Press release
2nd December 2011
With winter setting in and temperatures dropping Astle BMW and MINI are urging people to prepare their cars for the cold season.
The dealerships, on Grimsby Road in Laceby and in Old Crosby in Scunthorpe, are offering fantastic deals as part of their Winter Tyre Programme to keep customers safe out on the road.
Summer tyres – fitted as standard by car manufacturers – operate best at temperatures above 7°C. In cold and icy conditions the rubber hardens and levels of grip, acceleration, braking, comfort and fuel economy are affected, leading to an increased risk of accidents.
Astle BMW and MINI are offering complete winter wheel and tyre packages starting from £700 including VAT for BMWs and starting from £560 including VAT for MINIs.
The new winter tyres are made from a different mix of a silica and rubber compound which enables them to retain flexibility at much lower temperatures, generating heat and reaching their optimum operating temperature much more easily.
Winter tyres dissipate standing water more effectively, helping them to reduce the risk of skidding on wet surfaces as well as improving braking distances and providing maximum grip.
“We’ve had incredibly harsh winters for the past couple of years,” said Karl Garner, Service Manager at Astle BMW in Grimsby.
“As drivers we’ve had to deal with increasingly dangerous road conditions during the winter months and it’s important for people to ensure that their cars are properly prepared in order to provide higher levels of safety.
“Our winter tyres sold out quite early last year so we’re urging people to buy them now before the really bad weather sets in!”
For more information about winter tyres call Lauren or Gareth at the Grimsby dealership on 08446 620460 or Sam or Alex at Scunthorpe on 08444 703225.
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For more information about this press release please contact:
Holly Tyrrell
01522 528540