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News release

27th April 2012

A group of contemporary artists is to stage a new exhibition of painting, sculpture, installation, textiles and printmaking at the Yarrow Gallery at Oundle School next week.

Group e is a collection of artists – Darren Cleary, Maxine Greer, Jane Hindmarch and Thierry Miquel – who have known each other for two decades.

One of the highlights of their new exhibition SHIFT, which runs from 5th May until 26th May, will be the installation Flash Flock by Maxine Greer which features 200 paper birds against a backdrop of calligraphic paintings, vast textile landscapes and layered painting techniques.

“Shift represents an exploration into different perspectives through mark making, repetition, language and personal histories past and present,” said Maxine Greer, who lives in Stamford.

“Group e came together through friendship, mutual support and the common recognition of the importance of creating and presenting art. We met at art college in Loughborough in the 1990s or soon after and so the group is bonded by friendships going back 20 years or more.

“SHIFT is not an exhibition aimed at commercial enterprise but a sharing of what is most important to the artists: their passion, creativity and responses to the joys and challenges of life and the ever-changing world.

“All the members of the group have demanding full- time jobs but make a point of prioritising their creativity.”

Group e first exhibited in East Grinstead in 2011 and the artists plan to exhibit regularly on an annual basis.

The Yarrow Gallery is set in the grounds of Oundle School between Peterborough and Corby.

Opening times are Monday to Saturday 10.30am to 1pm and 2.30pm to 5pm and Sunday 2.30pm to 5pm.

There will be an invitation-only private view from 7.30pm until 9.30pm on Friday 4th May.

Note to editors:

Darren Cleary and Thierry Miquel are based in Loughborough while Maxine Greer and Jane Hindmarch are based in Stamford.

Jez Ashberry
Shooting Star PR
01522 528540
t: @jezashberry





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Quick facts

Contemporary artists Group e will be staging their new exhibition Shift at the Yarrow Gallery, Oundle School from 5th May 2012
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Group e is a collection of artists – Darren Cleary, Maxine Greer, Jane Hindmarch and Thierry Miquel – who live in Loughborough and Stamford and who have known each other for two decades.
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Shift represents an exploration into different perspectives through mark making, repetition, language and personal histories past and present
Artist Maxine Greer