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News release

21st October 2011

Hallowe’en is just around the corner and there will be pumpkins aplenty for children to carve at the Lincolnshire Showground next week thanks to Shire Farm near Hagworthingham.

One of theUK’s largest biodynamic farms, Shire Farm has donated 100 pumpkins to the Lincolnshire Autism Awareness Rally to help improve people’s understanding of the disability.

The event, taking place from 24th to 26th October at the Exhibition Centre at the Lincolnshire Showground, aims to provide information and support to families living with autism.

The pumpkins Shire farm is donating to the rally will be used in a pumpkin carving competition for the children during a day of Halloween-themed events on Tuesday 25th October which will also include scarecrow making and spooky story-telling.

Two world record attempts will also be made on the day: one for the most people in fancy dress in one location and another for the most people performing ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’.

Other activities taking place throughout the three-day event include drama, music and art workshops, family bingo, live entertainment, a Lady Gaga tribute act, a disco and the biggest pyjama party in Lincolnshire.

There will also be information stands offering help and advice to families and carers and expert speakers offering an insight into autism.

Shire Farm, owned by AURA-SOMA®, grows approximately one acre of pumpkins per year which are used in the kitchens at their residential training centre in Tetford and their award-winning vegan restaurant at Aloka Quality of Life Centre in Brighton.

In the future Aura-Soma will be planting more varieties of pumpkin so that they can cold-press the seeds and extract the oil to use in their biodynamic skincare range. Pumpkin seeds are rich in minerals, essential fats and protein and are excellent for skin health.

Lynn Ingall, organiser of the Lincolnshire Autism Awareness Rally, said: “This is the third year we’ve held the rally and it’s fantastic that so many people have offered to help out.

“The pumpkins donated by Shire Farm will be great for the kids. Autistic children have sensory issues and pumpkin carving is a messy, hands-on job so it will be good for them and they can have a lot fun with it.

“Everyone who’s helping at the event is doing so for free. We fund-raise all year to pay for the venue and don’t receive any money from elsewhere so we couldn’t have done it without the help and support we’ve received from the people and businesses that have contributed to the rally.”

For more information about the Lincolnshire Autism Awareness Rally contact Lynn Ingall on 07904 941389.

Notes for editors

  • Shire Farm began from very humble beginnings in 1995 whenMike Booth, Chairman of AURA-SOMA®Products Limited, acquired 50 acres of land in the heart of the Lincolnshire Wolds, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
  • Biodynamic farming excludes the use of artificial fertilisers and pesticides, relying instead on the natural interdependence between all the diverse elements of the farm which are seen as part of a greater whole.
  • Biodynamic farming also recognises the interplay between earthly and cosmic forces such as the rhythms and cycles of the seasons and the impact of the sun, moon and planets upon the land. These form the basis of an annually produced planting calendar which guides the farmer towards appropriate times for cultivation and sowing for maximum quantity and quality.

Holly Tyrrell

01522 528540

