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Paynova AB will publish the january-june 2005 Interim Report on August 25, 2005. The following preliminary guidance is now available for shareholders and the financial market:

· Gross transaction volume has grown significantly and amounted to SEK 24 million during the second quarter, compared to SEK 13.8 million for the previous quarter, a growth of approximately 75 percent. Gross transaction volume for the period January-June amounted to SEK 38 million compared to SEK 12.2 million for the period july-december 2004, an increase by approximately 210 percent.

· The number of wallets (accounts) increased by approximately 48,000, compared to 31, 673 for the previous quarter, an increase by approximately 50 percent. The number of wallets (accounts) at the end of the period amounted to 234,000.

· During the quarter 58 e-retailers signed agreements with Paynova, compared with 36 during the previous quarter, an increase by approximately 60 percent. The total number of e-retailers at the end of the period amounted to 895.

As earlier announced in pressreleases and prospectus, (see, it was decided at the Extraordinary General Meeting on june 21, 2005 to approve the Board of Directors’ decision of a preferential rights issue of approximately SEK 30 million fully guaranteed. The subscription period is July 1 to July 25, 2005.

For further information please contact:

Johan Waxberg, CEO

Paynova AB

Mobil: +46 70 688 02 47

About Paynova AB

Paynova AB offers modern payment services on the Internet, for large and small sums alike. E-retailers gain access to a number of European payment methods and currencies in a total solution with a payment guarantee. Consumers can open a Paynova wallet free of charge on the Internet to make purchases more secure and simpler, as well as handling transfers between family members, friends and acquaintances. More than 20,000 banks worldwide accept VISA and MasterCard payments via Paynova. More than 800 e-retailers have agreements with Paynova. Most of them being within the following focused segments: travel, , retailing and also media and online gaming, e.g. CD WOW, SJ, Fujifilm Sverige, Swebus Express and TV4. The company has been listed on NGM since February 2004. For more information and images, please visit:


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