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Summary for the period

* Net turnover for the Group increased to KSEK 524 (220).

* Profit/loss after tax amounted to KSEK -8,276 (-7,859).

* Profit/loss per share for the period amounted to SEK -0.60 (-0.80).

* The gross transaction volume increased to KSEK 13,763 (3,226) and the gross transaction margin was 3.6 (4.9) per cent.

* During the quarter, 31,673 new wallets have been opened, and agreements signed with 36 new e-retailers.

* The first large enterprise service, Swebus Express, went into operation at the start of March.

The number of registered Paynova Wallets increased by 31,673 during the first quarter, corresponding to a 21 per cent increase on the previous quarter. At the end of the quarter the number of wallets amounted to 185,991.

During the first quarter of 2005, agreements were signed with 36 e-retailers. A number of high-volume customers launched online payment services during the period, primarily Swebus Express, Habbo Hotell and Dreamhack. This contributed to around a 100 per cent increase in transaction volumes compared with the previous quarter. In total, 837 websites have entered into agreements to offer the Paynova Wallet as a payment service.

Purchasing demands brand recognition. This particularly applies on the Internet. During the quarter Paynova has devised a communication and PR strategy with a view to strengthening Paynova’s brand within selected strategic segments during 2005.

Germany is an important market for Paynova. During the period, significant efforts have been made with Paynova’s existing partners and with new ones to establish Paynova on the German market.

Transaction volumes are continuing to develop rapidly during the second quarter compared with the previous quarter.

The full interim report can be found at

For further information, please contact:

Johan Waxberg, CEO, tel.: +46 (0)8-517 100 23, mobile: +46 (0)706-88 02 47 or

About Paynova

Paynova AB is a company specialising in secure online payments. The Paynova Wallet is a wallet for digital transactions that can handle amounts from one Swedish krona upwards. The Paynova Wallet is easy to acquire and use, and simple for retailers to install. More than 20,000 banks worldwide accept VISA and MasterCard payments via the Paynova Wallet. Approximately 800 e-retailers currently have agreements with Paynova, including CD-WOW, the game development company Mindark PE, SJ, Fujifilm i Sverige AB, Swebus Express and Ryanair. The company has been listed on NGM since 26 February 2004.


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