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  • Dealis Fund Operations wins the SimCorp StrategyLab Growth Management Excellence Award 2011

Dealis Fund Operations wins the SimCorp StrategyLab Growth Management Excellence Award 2011

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Dealis Fund Operations is the winner of the SimCorp StrategyLab Growth Management Excellence Award 2011. The award was presented at one of the largest investment management industry events, the SimCorp Dimension International User Community Meeting, in Stockholm earlier today.

More than 400 senior delegates of the global investment management industry witnessed Dealis Fund Operations receive the award at an event in Stockholm earlier today. Commenting on the award, director of SimCorp StrategyLab, professor Ingo Walter said that Dealis is a much-deserved winner. In particular, the jury had noted that Dealis has been able to drive efficiency improvements in their already well-organised back-office units in order to achieve both optimisation and growth.

“Our growth strategy is, among other things, based on thorough market and competitive analyses. We have found that because of greater market volatility, investment managers increasingly focus on their core competences and seek to outsource what they regard as non-core activities,” says spokesperson of the Board of the Managing Directors at Dealis, Roman G. Trageiser. “Dealis has successfully positioned itself as such a specialised service partner and, with the help of our high-performance SimCorp Dimension platform, we are able to tailor our offering to the needs of our clients and at the same time support the latest legal requirements as well as financial instruments. We have the foundation for our future development in place and intend to pursue fast-track growth.”

Dealis Fund Operations was named the winner after a thorough evaluation by an international jury consisting of professor and director of SimCorp StrategyLab, Ingo Walter, professor Steven Brown of New York University, professor Paul Verdin of the University of Leuven and  SimCorp’s CEO Peter L. Ravn.

The award has been established to acknowledge, reward and promote best practise within risk, cost and growth management in the global investment management industry. This is the third year that SimCorp StrategyLab has presented this award; previous winners were:  MEAG, Nordea Savings and Asset Management, and Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management, respectively.


Enquiries regarding this announcement should be addressed to:
Mette Trier, Office Manager, SimCorp StrategyLab (+45 35 44 88 00, +45 40 60 82 96).


About Dealis Fund Operations GmbH
Dealis Fund Operations GmbH is a joint venture company set up by Allianz Global Investors and DekaBank. Administrating approximately €340bn in assets under management in around 2,500 mutual and special funds, Dealis groups together all the central back office tasks of the leading German asset managers. This makes it the largest provider of fund accounting and fund administration services in Germany.


About SimCorp StrategyLab
SimCorp StrategyLab is a private research institution, headed by Mr Ingo Walter, Seymour Milstein Professor of Finance, Corporate Governance and Ethics at Stern School of Business, New York University. SimCorp StrategyLab research work focuses on identifying, understanding and suggesting solutions to issues pertaining to mitigating risk, reducing cost and enabling growth in the investment management industry. www.simcorpstrategylab.com.
