Interim report as of 30 June 2008 - SimCorp A/S

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SimCorp's business performed satisfactorily in the first six months of the
year. H1 revenue was up by 11% compared with the year-earlier period to EUR
81.7m. As a result of the scheduled staff intake over the past 12 months costs
were higher in H1, bringing EBIT for the six-month period to EUR 13.1m, a
decrease of EUR 3.3m. 
As a result of the continued difficult market conditions for SimCorp's
customers and hence increased uncertainty regarding SimCorp's order intake in
the second half-year of 2008, the company adjusts its projections for 2008 and
now projects revenue in the EUR 170 - 180m range against the previous forecast
of EUR 175 - 185m and with an EBIT margin of 21 - 24% against the previous
forecast of 22 - 25%. 
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SimCorp's Board of Directors today considered and approved the Group's interim
report for the six months ended 30 June 2008. Highlights of the report are: 
• H1 revenue was up 11% y/y to EUR 81.7m. Q2 revenue was up 9% compared with Q2
2007 to EUR 44.8m. Page 5 
• Income recognised from licences and add-on licences amounted to EUR 25.6m in
the six-month period, an increase of 3% y/y. H1 order intake was EUR 20.3m
which was 3% less than in H1 2007, while Q2 order intake increased 61% y/y. The
order book increased by EUR 1.5m in Q2 to stand at EUR 19.5m at 30 June 2008.
Page 4 
• The level of sales and supply of professional services remained high.
Professional fees for the first six months of the year were EUR 27.5m, up 8%
relative to the year-earlier period. Maintenance income was up by 23% relative
to the same period of last year. Page 5 
• H1 EBIT was EUR 13.1m, which was better than planned but a decline of EUR
3.3m, or 20%, relative to the same period of last year. This was mainly
attributable to scheduled higher costs related to the intake of a total of 198
employees in H2 2007 and H1 2008. Page 7 
• In the first half-year, SimCorp acquired 83,865 treasury shares for a total
amount of EUR 10.6m. 
• SimCorp now projects revenue in the EUR 170 - 180m range with an EBIT margin
of 21 - 24%. At 30 June 2008, contracts equalling EUR 132.3m of the revenue
projected for 2008 had been secured, EUR 14.5m more than at the same time last
year. Contractually secured full-year revenue accounted for the same proportion
of the projected full-year revenue as in the same period of last year. The
Group's pipeline of potential licence contracts is performing satisfactorily.
Page 8 
Investor meeting
SimCorp's Executive Management Board will present the interim report at an
investor presentation to be held on Friday, 22 August 2008 at 9:00 a.m. at OMX
Nordic Exchange Copenhagen, Nikolaj Plads 6, 1067 Copenhagen K. An electronic
meeting facility has been set up through webcast 
(link: The
meeting will be open to the public. 
Fifteen minutes after conclusion of the meeting, Peter L. Ravn, CEO, tel. +45
4076 1841, Niels Beck, Senior Vice President, tel. +45 2270 1433 and Thomas
Bry, Senior Vice President, tel. +45 2092 7454 will be available for questions. 
The presentation will be available afterwards via SimCorp's website