Interim report as of 30 September 2008 - SimCorp A/S

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In a turbulent market environment, SimCorp's business performed satisfactorily
in the first nine months of the year. 9M revenue was up by 9% compared with the
year-earlier period to EUR 118.1m. The scheduled staff intake of 26% over the
past 12 months has increased the cost by 20%, bringing EBIT for the nine-month
period to EUR 17.1m, down EUR 6.2m y/y. SimCorp upholds its full-year
projections of revenue in the EUR 170 - 180m range with an EBIT margin of 21 -
- - -
SimCorp's Board of Directors today considered and approved the Group's interim
report for the nine months ended 30 September 2008. Highlights of the report
• 9M revenue was up 9% y/y to EUR 118.1m. Q3 revenue was up 6% compared with Q3
2007 to EUR 36.4m. Page 5 
• Income recognised from licences and add-on licences amounted to EUR 33.2m in
the nine-month period, a decrease of 5% y/y. In Q3, income recognised from
licences and add-on licences amounted to EUR 7.5m. 9M order intake was EUR
25.0m which was 29% less than in the year-earlier period, while Q3 order intake
decreased 65% y/y. The order book decreased by EUR 2.5m in Q3 to stand at EUR
17.0m at 30 September 2008. Page 4 
• The level of sales and supply of professional services remained high.
Professional fees for the first nine months of the year were EUR 41.2m, up 9%
relative to the year-earlier period. Maintenance income was up by 23% y/y. Page
• 9M EBIT was EUR 17.1m, which was EUR 6.2m, or 27%, lower relative to the same
period of last year. This was mainly attributable to scheduled higher costs
related to the intake of a total of 185 employees in 2008. Page 7 
• In the first nine months of 2008, SimCorp acquired 154,308 treasury shares
for a total amount of EUR 17.4m. 
• SimCorp upholds its full-year projections of revenue in the EUR 170 - 180m
range with an EBIT margin of 21 - 24%. At 30 September 2008, contracts
equalling EUR 144.8m of the revenue projected for 2008 had been secured, EUR
7.3m more than at the year-earlier date. Contractually secured full-year
revenue accounted for the same proportion of the projected full-year revenue as
at the same time last year. The Group's pipeline of potential licence contracts
continues to perform satisfactorily. Page 8 
This document is a translation of the original interim report in Danish
(Delårsrapport per 30. september 2008). In case of discrepancies, the Danish
version prevails. 
Investor meeting
SimCorp's Executive Management Board will present the interim report at an
investor presentation to be held on Friday, 21 November 2008 at 9:00 a.m. at
NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen, Nikolaj Plads 6, 1067 Copenhagen K. An electronic
meeting facility has been set up through webcast 
(link: The
meeting will be open to the public. 
Fifteen minutes after conclusion of the meeting, Peter L. Ravn, CEO, tel. +45
4076 1841, Niels Beck, Senior Vice President, tel. +45 2270 1433 and Thomas
Bry, Senior Vice President, tel. +45 2092 7454 will be available for questions. 
The presentation will be available afterwards via SimCorp's website