Notice of annual general meeting in SimCorp A/S

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The annual general meeting of SimCorp A/S will be held on Thursday 29 March 2012 at 3 pm, in SimCorp A/S, Weidekampsgade 16, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark.

The agenda will be as follows:

1. The report of the Board of Directors on the activities of the Company during the past year.

2. Presentation and adoption of the audited annual report.

3. The Board of Directors' proposal for the distribution of profits or losses as recorded in the annual report adopted by the general meeting.

4. Election of members to the Board of Directors, hereunder Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors.

5. Election of auditors.

6. Any proposals from the Board of Directors or the shareholders.

7. AOB

Please read the attached pdf-file to see the full agenda with proposals.


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