Section 28 announcement - Holding of own shares - SimCorp A/S

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In pursuance of the Danish Securities Trading Act's section 28, please be
informed that SimCorp A/S by implementing the share capital reduction in a
nominal amount of DKK 3,250,000, equivalent to 325,000 shares of DKK 10 each,
by cancellation of treasury shares has decreased its holding of own shares and
now owns 83,295 SimCorp shares (securities identification code DK0016026164),
of DKK 10 each, corresponding to 1.8% of the share capital and voting rights. 

The shares are traded at OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen A/S.

Questions regarding this announcement may be addressed to Thomas Bry, CFO at
SimCorp A/S, telephone +45 35 44 88 00. 

SimCorp A/S
