Silverdell become ‘Heropreneurs’

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Silverdell PLC join forces with the UK Charity Heropreneurs

Silverdell PLC, the Specialist Environmental Support Services group, has teamed up with a military charity, Heropreneurs, to help former members of the British armed forces and their families, to set up and grow their own businesses through education, networking and mentoring. Silverdell will provide one-to-one business mentoring to aspiring entrepreneurs helping them to create successful businesses.

Sean Nutley, Chief Executive Officer of Silverdell PLC today said that finding a business mentor is the most important help someone thinking of going into business can look for.

“Each year thousands of men and women leave the Armed Forces to begin their new life as civilians. In the near future, 10,000 of these will have served in recent operations. With recent government cuts in the Defence sector, this figure is set to increase. Silverdell recognise the talents of these individuals and I personally, as a key Business Mentor, look forward to providing advice and guidance on setting up and running a successful business.”

He went on to say:

“We are proud to be working with Heropreneurs to support the UK armed forces personnel when they leave their military positions.”

Richard Morris, the founder and CEO of Heropreneurs said:

“We need more entrepreneurs and the majority of the people wanting to go into business need advice and mentoring – they are hungry for it, and to get it in very concentrated form is critical.

Building their network is hugely important, and they also want the validation of saying 'Mr or Mrs X has invested time in me' or 'so-and-so wrote about me'. Ironically the last thing they want is money. It's not the first thing, because they know that if they get the first three things right, that will come.”

He concluded:

“Starting a business can be a daunting experience so we want people with expertise, insight, and knowledge from being in business, and have got the scars to prove it, to join our mentoring programme.”

Further information can be found at:

Further information on Heropreneurs can be found at:

For further information on the Silverdell Group companies please visit:

Silverdell (UK) Limited                                                         

Kitsons Environmental (Europe) Limited                               



SAFE Training                                                                    

Further information on Silverdell Plc can be found at                

About Silverdell PLC

Silverdell works globally with major organisations which have a duty to protect people, assets and reputation.

We provide peace of mind through our unique portfolio of end-to-end specialist environmental support services. Working in high hazard regulated environments, we deliver decommissioning, waste remediation and consulting services to the built environment, industrial and energy sectors.

In choosing to work with Silverdell our customers know their interests are always protected.

Media Interviews with key personnel can be arranged through our PR agency:

Nicky Frost, Account Director

SMPR (Simply Marcomms Limited)

0870 199 4044




Quick facts

Silverdell will provide one-to-one business mentoring to aspiring entrepreneurs helping them to create successful businesses.
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Finding a business mentor is the most important help someone thinking of going into business can look for
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We are proud to be working with Heropreneurs to support the UK armed forces personnel
Sean Nutley