First Automobile Works (FAW) China Adopts SinterCast Process Control Technology

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  * FAW Foundry Co., Ltd. agrees to install SinterCast Mini-System 3000
  * First   ever  installation  of  third  generation  SinterCast  System  3000
  * CGI  product  development  for  Chinese  passenger  vehicles  and commercial

[Stockholm,  12 January 2010] - FAW Foundry Co.,  Ltd., the foundry research and
development  branch within the  China FAW Group  Corporation, has entered into a
long-term  agreement with the Swedish  process control specialist SinterCast for
the  use  of  the  SinterCast  process  control technology for the production of
Compacted  Graphite Iron (CGI).  Under the  terms of the agreement, a SinterCast
Mini-System  3000 will be  installed at  the FAW  Foundry Co.,  Ltd. R&D foundry
located  in Changchun, China.  The Mini-System  3000 will be used to support CGI
product  development throughout the FAW Group,  spanning a full range of vehicle
applications, including passenger vehicles, light-duty and heavy-duty commercial
vehicles,  and  busses.   The  Mini-System  3000 will  be designed to facilitate
transport  to any  of the  series production  foundries within  the FAW Group to
support  specific  CGI  product  development  activities.  The Mini-System 3000
installation provides the FAW Group with the capability to independently conduct
CGI product development leading toward series production.

"As  the largest vehicle manufacturer in China,  FAW has taken the initiative to
become  the first Chinese OEM to adopt  the SinterCast technology as part of its
overall  strategy to develop and produce  state-of-the-art engines that meet the
stringent  Euro-style emissions legislation that has  been adopted in China, and
to  satisfy  consumer  demand  for  improved  performance,  refinement  and fuel
efficiency"  said Dr. Steve Dawson, President  & CEO of SinterCast.  "SinterCast
has  successfully  supported  the  high  volume  series  production of Compacted
Graphite Iron exhaust components in China since 2007.  This experience, together
with  the local  support provided  by our  office based  in Shanghai,  has given
SinterCast a strong and respected presence in the Chinese foundry and automotive
communities.   We look forward to building upon our market presence in China, as
one of the key growth areas for SinterCast and CGI."

For more information, please contact:

 Dr. Steve Dawson

 President & CEO

 SinterCast AB (publ)

 Tel:    +46 8 660 7750

 e-mail: <>

Founded in 1953, China FAW Group Corporation ( <>)
was established as China's first integrated vehicle producer and remains China's
leading  manufacturer of passenger vehicles and commercial vehicles, with annual
sales  in excess of one  million vehicles per year.   FAW currently employs over
133,000 people  around  the  world  and  sells  its  vehicles  in  more than 70
countries.   China  FAW  Group  Corporation  collaborates with world leaders for
vehicle  development,  production  and  sales,  including  Audi  AG,  Ford Motor
Company,  Hyundai Motor Company,  Mazda Motor Company,  Toyota Motor Corporation
and  Volkswagen AG.  FAW Foundry Co., Ltd. is  a part of the China FAW Group R&D
organisation,  the  largest  automotive  R&D  organisation in China, and China's
leader in passenger vehicle and commercial vehicle research.

SinterCast is the world's leading supplier of process control technology for the
reliable  high volume production of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI). With at least
75% higher  tensile strength, 45% higher stiffness  and approximately double the
fatigue strength of conventional grey cast iron and aluminium, CGI allows engine
designers  to improve  performance, fuel  economy and  durability while reducing
engine  weight,  noise  and  emissions.  SinterCast  produces  a  variety of CGI
components  ranging from  2 kg to  17 tonnes, all  using the same proven process
control  technology.  The end-users  of SinterCast-CGI  components include Aston
Martin,  Audi,  Caterpillar,  Chrysler,  DAF  Trucks, Ford, Ford-Otosan, General
Electric Transportation Systems, General Motors, Hyundai, Navistar, Jaguar, Kia,
Land  Rover, MAN, MAN Diesel, Porsche, PSA Peugeot-Citroën, Renault, Rolls-Royce
Power Engineering, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo and Waukesha Engine. The SinterCast
share  is quoted  on the  Small Cap  segment of  the Nordic  Exchange, Stockholm
(Stockholmsbörsen: SINT).


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