Guaranteed Pre-emptive Rights Issue in SinterCast

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* The Board of Directors proposes a pre-emptive rights issue of
    shares and warrants, subject to approval at an Extraordinary
    General Meeting (EGM) of the shareholders, to be held on 20
    August 2009
  * New share issue to generate SEK 23.1 million, prior to
    transaction costs.  Additional capital will be generated in the
    event that the associated warrants are exercised
  * Term of subscription to run from 31 August to 14 September 2009
  * Rights issue fully guaranteed through subscription undertakings
    and guarantee commitments
  * New Employee Option Programme to be proposed to the EGM

[Stockholm, 4 August  2009] - During  the 7 May  2009 Annual  General
Meeting (AGM),  SinterCast's  shareholders authorised  the  Board  of
Directors to  increase  the share  capital  prior to  the  next  AGM,
through one or more new  share issues with pre-emptive rights.   This
pro-active authorisation  was motivated  by  the overall  decline  in
global automotive  production and  the  associated delay  in  capital
expenditure related to  the installation of  new production  capacity
and process control equipment throughout the foundry industry.

The Managing Director's presentation at the AGM noted that SinterCast
requires series  production levels  of approximately  800,000  Engine
Equivalents per year,  plus some  installation revenue,  in order  to
achieve positive  cashflow.  SinterCast's  series production  reached
750,000 Engine Equivalents during  the second half  of 2008, but  has
since  declined  and  stabilised  at  approximately  400,000   Engine
Equivalents, directly paralleling the overall reductions in the wider
automotive industry.  The Managing  Director's AGM presentation  also
noted that  the  Company  would  immediately  intensify  its  ongoing
discussions with foundries in Europe, Asia and the Americas regarding
new installations,  in  order  to quantify  the  near-term  liquidity
outlook.  While these  efforts have  since resulted  in a  successful
installation at the Luitpoldhütte foundry in Germany, and a  hardware
upgrade/expansion  at  one  existing  installation,  it  has   become
apparent  that  decisions  regarding  the  majority  of  the  ongoing
installation discussions will  be delayed beyond  the second-half  of

The Board of Directors remains optimistic for additional installation
revenue in  the  near  term  and  anticipates  the  start  of  series
production of at least one new SinterCast-CGI engine programme during
2009.  Accordingly,  the  Board  of Directors  remains  confident  in
market opportunities and growth potential for the Company.   However,
in consideration of the uncertain  timing of the overall recovery  in
the automotive and foundry industries, the Board of Directors  judges
that it is in the best  interest of the shareholders to proceed  with
the new rights issue at this  time, in order to ensure the  long-term
security of the Company and to  enable the Company to take  offensive
operational actions as the market recovers.  On this basis, the Board
of Directors has  decided to  propose a pre-emptive  rights issue  of
shares and warrants  that initially will  generate SEK 23.1  million,
prior to transaction costs.

Terms of the Pre-emptive Rights Issue
The Board of Directors hereby  proposes to the Extraordinary  General
Meeting of shareholders, to be held on 20 August 2009, a  pre-emptive
rights issue  of a  maximum of  925,483 new  shares and  925,483  new
warrants. It is  noted that  a pre-emptive rights  issue has  already
been authorised by the 7 May 2009 AGM, however, the inclusion of  the
warrants in the present proposal requires a new and separate  mandate
from the shareholders. The  warrants have been  added to the  present
proposal  as   an   incentive  to   further   encourage   shareholder
participation in the rights issue.

According to the present proposal, shareholders will receive one  (1)
subscription right (unit right) for each share currently held.  Every
six (6) unit rights  entitle the holder to  subscribe to one Unit  at
the subscription price SEK 25 per Unit. Each Unit consists of one (1)
share and one (1) warrant.  Every two (2) warrants entitle the holder
to subscribe  to one  (1) share  at  SEK 25  during the  period  1-30
September 2010.  The  subscription  price represents  a  discount  of
approximately 40%  relative  to  the  current  share  price,  without
consideration for the warrants.

Units that have not  been subscribed to  pursuant to the  pre-emptive
rights will be offered to  shareholders who applied to subscribe  for
Units without pre-emptive  rights.  Such Units  shall be  distributed
pro rata  in relation  to the  number of  Units the  shareholder  has
subscribed to with  support of the  pre-emptive rights.  In  addition
thereto, other investors  are offered to  subscribe to Units  without
the support of unit rights.  The term of subscription shall run  from
31 August to 14 September 2009.  As the proposal does not affect  the
shareholders' pre-emptive rights,  resolution at the  EGM requires  a
simple majority (50%) of the votes cast.

Subscription Undertakings and Guarantee Commitment
All members  of the  Board of  Directors and  senior management  have
declared their  support and  have undertaken  to participate  in  the
pre-emptive  rights  issue.  Certain  other  shareholders  have  also
declared their  support for  the pre-emptive  rights issue  and  have
likewise undertaken to participate.  Additionally, certain investors,
both existing shareholders  and non-shareholders,  have entered  into
guarantee commitments.  In total,  the subscription undertakings  and
the guarantee commitments equal the full amount of SEK 23.1  million,
corresponding  to  100%  of  the   initial  capital  raised  in   the
pre-emptive rights issue.

Indicative Time Schedule

Extraordinary General Meeting:    20 August 2009

Preliminary date for publication  24 August 2009
of prospectus:

Last day of trading in the shares 24 August, 2009
with the right to participate in
the rights issue:

First day of trading in the       25 August 2009
shares without the right to
participate in the rights issue:

Record date for participation in  27 August 2009
the rights issue:

Trading in unit rights:           31 August to 9 September 2009

Trading in paid subscribed units: 31 August 2009 until the rights
                                  issue is registered with the
                                  Swedish Companies Registration

Subscription period in the rights 31 August to 14 September 2009

Trading in warrants:              Mid-October 2009  to  27  September

Financial Advisor
Remium AB is acting as advisor to SinterCast in conjunction with  the
pre-emptive rights issue.

Employee Option Programme
The Board of Directors also proposes that a new employee stock option
programme be approved by the EGM.  This proposal is motivated by  the
fact that the employees are  effectively without a current  incentive
programme  and  that  the  Board  judges  that  it  is  critical  for
SinterCast, as  a  technology  specialist company,  to  motivate  and
secure its key staff.

It is proposed  that the  options,  which will  be received  free  of
charge, shall  be allotted  to all  staff currently  employed in  the
SinterCast Group and that an  allocation be reserved for  individuals
who may be  employed in  the future.   Each option  will entitle  the
holder to  subscribe to  one share.   The maximum  number of  options
allotted shall  be 300,000,  of which  the President  & CEO  will  be
allocated 150,000.  A  total of  15,000 options will  be reserved  to
cover the social  costs of the  programme and 5,000  options will  be
reserved for new employees that may join the company during the  term
of the programme.   The remaining options  will be distributed  among
the  employees,  as  determined  by  the  Board  of  Directors.   The
subscription of shares via the options will take place annually  over
a four year period, with  the subscription price being equivalent  to
an annual increase of ten (10) percent of the average volume-weighted
price paid for one SinterCast  share on the Stockholm Stock  Exchange
on each  trading  day  during  the period  6-19  August  2009.   This
corresponds to  a 46.5%  increase  over the  four  year term  of  the

The employee stock options  shall be subject to  a ceiling such  that
any profit,  at  exercise,  cannot  exceed SEK  50  per  option.   In
consideration of  the  time  required  to  administer  the  programme
following  the  EGM,  and  SinterCast's  internal  policy  preventing
trading prior to  the publication  of quarterly  reports, the  annual
subscription period is proposed to run from 1 November to 15 December
each year.  The proposed employee  option programme  shall  therefore
expire on 15 December 2013 and convey the right to subscribe to:

 15% of the options during the period 1 November to 15 December 2010
 20% of the options during the period 1 November to 15 December 2011
 25% of the options during the period 1 November to 15 December 2012
 40% of the options during the period 1 November to 15 December 2013

The options can only be subscribed to provided that the option-holder
has not been terminated from his or her position or voluntarily  left
the Company prior to  any of the exercise  periods. By entering  into
the proposed  option  programme,  all  employees  will  automatically
forfeit any options that may currently be held, such that there  will
only be one active programme at the outset of the proposed new option

In order to implement  the option programme,  the Board of  Directors
proposes that the EGM  resolve to undertake the  issue of a total  of
300,000 warrants, which  each convey  the right to  subscribe to  one
share.  Based on an  average volume-weighted price  of SEK 40  during
6-19 August  2009,  and  the  assumption that  all  options  will  be
realised at the  maximum ceiling  of SEK 50,  the reported  statutory
cost  for  the   employee  options   is  calculated   to  amount   to
approximately SEK 4.8 million during  the 2009 to 2013 period.   With
full exercise  of  the  options, the  Company's  share  capital  will
increase by SEK 300,000.  This  increase is equivalent to a  dilution
effect of approximately 5.1% of the total number of shares and  votes
in the Company (4.4%  of the total number  of shares and votes  after
the proposed rights issue and, 4.2% of the total number of shares and
votes if  the  warrants associated  with  the new  rights  issue  are
exercised).   A  valid  resolution  requires  that  the  proposal  is
supported by shareholders representing at least nine-tenths (90%)  of
the votes (shares) represented at the EGM.

EGM Date and Location
The EGM will  be held  at 14:00  on Thursday  20 August  2009 at  the
premises of Remium AB, Kungsgatan 12-14, Stockholm, Sweden.

Additional Information
Further information  about  the proposed  new  rights issue  and  the
proposed employee stock option programme will available in the notice
to  the  EGM,  which  will  be  posted  on  the  Company's   website,, and published in Svenska Dagbladet and Post-  och
Inrikes Tidningar on 6 August 2009.   The Board's complete  proposals
will also be available on the Company's website as of 6 August 2009.
The preliminary publication  date for the  prospectus related to  the
new rights issue is 24 August 2009.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors,

Ulla-Britt Fräjdin-Hellqvist
SinterCast AB (publ)
Box 10203
SE-100 55 Stockholm
Tel:  +46 8 660 7750

Important information

The publication or distribution of this press release may in  certain
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This press release  may not be  announced, published or  distributed,
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Nothing in  this  press release  shall  be deemed  to  constitute  an
invitation or an offer  to invest, subscribe  or otherwise deal  with
shares, subscription rights  or other securities  in SinterCast.  The
invitation to relevant persons to subscribe for shares in  SinterCast
will only be made in the prospectus which SinterCast is intending  to
make public on 24 August 2009. The prospectus will inter alia contain
accounting records and information about  the Board of Directors  and
the auditor of SinterCast.

Neither unit rights, nor paid and subscribed units or new shares will
be registered pursuant to the Securities Act or to any provincial law
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provincial law in Canada.

SinterCast  is  the  world's  leading  supplier  of  process  control
technology for  the  reliable  high volume  production  of  Compacted
Graphite Iron (CGI). With at  least 75% higher tensile strength,  45%
higher stiffness  and approximately  double the  fatigue strength  of
conventional  grey  cast  iron  and  aluminium,  CGI  allows   engine
designers to improve performance,  fuel economy and durability  while
reducing engine weight,  noise and emissions.  SinterCast produces  a
variety of CGI components ranging from  2 kg to 17 tonnes, all  using
the same process control technology.  The end-users of SinterCast-CGI
components include  Aston Martin,  Audi, Caterpillar,  Chrysler,  DAF
Trucks, Ford, Ford-Otosan,  General Electric Transportation  Systems,
General Motors, Hyundai, Navistar, Jaguar, Kia, Land Rover, MAN,  MAN
B&W Diesel, Porsche, PSA Peugeot-Citroën, Renault, Rolls-Royce  Power
Engineering, Toyota,  Volkswagen,  Volvo  and  Waukesha  Engine.  The
SinterCast share is  quoted on the  Small Cap segment  of the  Nordic
Exchange OMX, Stockholm (Stockholmsbörsen: SINT).


The news release can be downloaded from the following link:

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