Notice to the Extraordinary General Meeting of SinterCast Aktiebolag (publ)

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The shareholders of SinterCast Aktiebolag (publ), (the "Company") are
hereby invited  to  attend  the Extraordinary  General  Meeting  (the
"Meeting") to be held on Thursday  20 August 2009, at 14:00 hours  at
the premises of Remium AB, Kungsgatan 12-14, Stockholm, Sweden.

Right to Participate and Vote
Shareholders who wish to participate in the Meeting shall:

 - be entered into the share register kept by the Swedish Securities
   Registry Euroclear Sweden AB ("Euroclear") (formerly VPC AB) on
   Friday 14 August, 2009 and
 - give notice of participation to SinterCast before 12:00 noon on 14
   August 2009.

Shareholders, whose shares are  registered in the  name of a  nominee
must request to be temporarily  entered into the share register  kept
by Euroclear  as  of  14 August  2009  in  order to  be  entitled  to
participate in  the  Meeting.  The nominee  should  be  requested  to
re-register the shares well before that date.

Notice of Participation
Notice of  participation can  be  made in  writing to  SinterCast  AB
(publ), P.O. Box 102 03,  SE-100 55 Stockholm, Sweden, via  telephone
+46  8  660   77  50,   fax  +46   8  661   79  79   or  by   e-mail:
A shareholder may be accompanied by advisors only if the  shareholder
has informed SinterCast of the advisors' attendance before 12:00 noon
on 14 August, 2009. A shareholder may not be accompanied by more than
two advisors. Shareholders who intend  to participate in the  Meeting
are required to provide their name, personal identity number (Swedish
citizens only) or organisation number, address, telephone number  and
holding of shares. The shareholder shall provide the same information
for accompanying advisors, if applicable.

If  a  shareholder's   participation  is   to  be   made  through   a
representative or by proxy, a power of attorney must be provided with
the notification including, in the case of a legal entity,  certified
proof of registration, or in  the case of a personal  representation,
other documents  proving  the  signatory's  authorisation.  Power  of
attorney forms are  available at and  can also  be
provided by post.

Proposed Agenda

1. Opening of the Meeting
2. Election of the Chairman of the Meeting
3. Preparation and approval of the list of shareholders entitled to
   vote at the Meeting
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Election of attendees to verify the minutes together with the
6. Determination of whether the Meeting has been duly convened
7. Decision of the Board of Directors' proposal on issue of new
   shares and share warrants of Series 2009/2010 with pre-emption
   rights for existing shareholders
8. Decision of the Board of Directors' proposal on an Employee Stock
   Option Programme for employees of the SinterCast Group including:
   a) Issue of employee stock options and
   b) Issue of share warrants to SinterCast Personnel AB
9. Closing of the Meeting


Item 7: Decision of the Board of Directors' Proposal on Issue of  New
Shares and Share Warrants of Series 2009/2010 with Pre-emption Rights
for Existing Shareholders

The Board  of Directors  proposes,  subject to  the approval  of  the
shareholders, to increase  the Company's  share capital  by not  more
than SEK 1,388,224  through an  issue of  not more  than 925,483  new
shares and not more than 925,483 share warrants of Series  2009/2010.
The proposal is to be decided by the Meeting.

The right to subscribe for new shares and share warrants shall belong
to those persons who on the record  date for the new issue of  shares
are recorded as  shareholders of  the Company in  the share  register
kept by Euroclear.  Each such  shareholder shall  have a  pre-emption
right to  obtain one  (1)  subscription right  for one  (1)  existing
share. Six (6)  subscription rights entitle  the holder to  subscribe
for one  (1) Unit  consisting of  one  (1) share  and one  (1)  share
warrant. Shares and share warrants may only be jointly subscribed for
in Units.

In the event that all Units are not subscribed for with  subscription
rights based  on  pre-emption rights,  Units  shall be  allocated  to
shareholders who have  subscribed for additional  Units without  such
subscription rights.  Such  allocation shall  be  made pro  rata,  in
relation to the number of Units each such shareholder has  subscribed
for under  their  subscription  rights.  Units  shall  thereafter  be
allocated to the public who subscribe for Units without  subscription
rights, in proportion to such amount subscribed for.

Each Unit is  issued at  a subscription price  of SEK  25, where  the
subscription price for each share is SEK 25. Accordingly, the initial
amount of the new rights issue is SEK 23,137,075.  The share warrants
are not issued against payment.

Subscription  and  payment   for  a  Unit   by  a  shareholder   with
subscription right shall be made during the period from 31 August  to
14 September 2009.  Subscription for  a Unit  by a  shareholder or  a
member of the public without a subscription right shall also be  made
during the  above  mentioned  subscription period.  Payment  of  Unit
without subscription right shall be made no later than the third bank
day following the subscriber's receipt of confirmation notice of  the
subscription. The Board of Directors  shall have the right to  extend
the subscription and payment periods.

Subscription of shares by virtue of the share warrants shall be  made
in accordance with the terms and conditions of the share warrants  of
Series 2009/2010 during the period from 1-30 September 2010. Two  (2)
share warrants entitle the holder to  subscribe to one (1) new  share
in the Company at a subscription price of SEK 25.

The record date  for participation  in the  new issue  of shares  and
share warrants shall be 27 August 2009.

As the decision does not affect the shareholders' pre-emption rights,
resolution requires a simple  majority (more than  50%) of the  votes

Item 8: Decision of  the Board of Directors'  Proposal on a  Employee
Stock  Option  Programme  for  Employees  of  the  SinterCast   Group
a) Issue of Employee Stock Options and
b) Issue of Share Warrants to SinterCast Personnel AB

The Board of Directors proposes,  subject to the Meeting's  decision,
to implement an employee stock option programme, including a directed
issue of employee  stock options and  share warrants, with  deviation
from the shareholders pre-emption rights, substantially in accordance
with the  below. This  proposal is  motivated by  the fact  that  the
employees are effectively without  a current incentive programme  and
that the  Board judges  that  it is  critical  for SinterCast,  as  a
technology specialist company, to motivate and secure its key staff.

The maximum dilution effect is calculated to amount to  approximately
4.2 percent of the total number  of shares and votes in the  Company,
taking into account shares and share warrants issued due to  approval
of the Board  of Director's  resolution on  issue of  new shares  and
share warrants  of  Series  2009/2010  with  pre-emption  rights  for
existing shareholders, in accordance with item 7 above, provided that
there  is  full  subscription  and  full  utilisation  of  all  share
warrants. The dilution effect excluding the share issue and issue  of
share warrants in item 7 is calculated to amount to 5.1 percent.

a) Issue of Employee Stock Options
The employee stock  options, which  are not  issued against  payment,
shall be allocated to all  staff currently employed in the SinterCast
Group at the  issue (13  persons), and  any future  employees of  the
Group. The stock options  entitle each such  employee to acquire  one
(1) share  in  the  Company.  The  employee  stock  options  are  not
transferrable. The maximum  number of  stock options  to be  allotted
will be  285,000, where  the President  & CEO  shall be  allocated  a
maximum of 150,000 employee  stock options and  other members of  the
management team and key staff shall be allocated a maximum of  20,000
employee stock options  each. Other  employees shall  be allocated  a
maximum of 7,500 employee stock options each. A total of 5,000  stock
options will be retained for  distribution to new employees that  may
join the company during the term of the programme.  Allocation  under
the stock option plan is subject to the employee stock option  holder
waiving his  or her  right  to options  under the  outstanding  stock
option plan.

The options will run  for a period of  approximately four (4)  years,
where 15 percent of the allotted options can be subscribed for shares
during the period of   1 November to 15  December one (1) year  after
the issue date, 20  percent can be subscribed  for shares during  the
period of 1 November to 15  December after two (2) years, 25  percent
during the period of 1 November to 15 December after three (3)  years
and the remaining 40  percent during the period  of 1 November to  15
December after four (4)  years, provided that  the employee is  still
employed by the Group at the aforementioned point of times.

The subscription price will correspond  to an annual increase of  ten
(10) percent  of  the average  volume  weighted price  paid  for  one
Company share on the  Stockholm Stock Exchange  during the period  of
ten trading days from 6 August to 19 August 2009, corresponding to an
increase of 46.5 percent over the  four year term of the  programme.
The employee stock options  shall be subject to  a ceiling such  that
any profit, at exercise, cannot exceed SEK 50 per option.

b) Issue of Share Warrants to SinterCast Personnel AB
As surety for  the Company's  undertakings under  the employee  stock
option programme, when holders of the employee stock options wish  to
subscribe for shares, it  is proposed to the  Meeting to approve  the
Board of Director's  proposal to  issue not more  than 300,000  share
warrants which each entitle  the subscription of  one (1) share.  The
share warrants shall be issued  to SinterCast Personnel AB, a  wholly
owned subsidiary of SinterCast AB.  The subsidiary shall be  entitled
to acquire the  share warrants  free of charge  and shall,  following
subscription, be  entitled  to dispose  over  them with  the  aim  of
fulfilling the undertakings under the employee stock option programme
above.  Subscription  of warrants  shall  be made  no later  than  30
September  2009.   Transfer  can  subsequently  take  place   without
remuneration. During the option term,  1 November 2010 - 31  December
2013, a holder of share warrants  shall be entitled to subscribe  for
one (1)  new  share at  a  subscription price  corresponding  to  the
subscription price  for  employee  stock options  by  virtue  of  the
underlying share warrant.

Based on  an average  volume-weighted  price of  SEK 40  during  6-19
August 2009,  preliminary calculations  show that  costs under  IFRS2
will amount  to  approximately  SEK  1.8  million,  subject  to  full
subscription. The  costs will  be  expensed during  the term  of  the
warrants. Assuming that all options  will be realised at the  maximum
ceiling of SEK 50, the social  security costs are expected to  amount
to approximately SEK  3.0 million, expensed  continuously during  the
period in which they are incurred. With full exercise of the options,
the Company's  share  capital will  increase  by not  more  than  SEK
300,000.  This  increase  is  equivalent  to  a  dilution  effect  of
approximately 5.1% of  the total number  of shares and  votes in  the
Company (4.4%  of the  total number  of shares  and votes  after  the
proposed rights issue  and, 4.2% of  the total number  of shares  and
votes if  the  warrants associated  with  the new  rights  issue  are

The proposed employee stock option programme has been drawn up by the
Board of Directors  in consultation  with external  advisers and  was
approved at the Board Meeting held on 3 August 2009.

A resolution on the above lines requires the support of  shareholders
with at least nine-tenths (90%) of both the votes cast and the shares
represented at the Meeting.

Documents related to the Meeting  can be obtained from SinterCast  AB
(publ), Box 10203, SE-100  55 Stockholm, Sweden,  by telephone +46  8
660 77 50, or via the SinterCast website ( from  6
August 2009. The documents will also be available at the Meeting.

This is an unofficial translation  of the Swedish original notice  to
the Extraordinary General Meeting of  the shareholders. In the  event
of any difference  between the  versions, the  Swedish version  shall

The total number of shares and votes in the Company are 5,552,900.

                       Stockholm, August 2009
                    SinterCast Aktiebolag (publ)
                       The Board of Directors

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