Series Production Continues at Record Pace, Positive Installation Outlook for 2011

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  * Series production running at record pace of 1.35 million Engine Equivalents
    per year
  * New Installation discussions at advanced stage, with one undisclosed
    installation completed
  * New US fuel economy legislation can provide opportunities for diesel growth
    in North America

[Stockholm,  8 August 2011] - Series production  remains strong and stable, with
annualised   production   running  at  a  record  rate  of  1.35 million  Engine
Equivalents  (67,500 tonnes/year).   The production  is well  above SinterCast's
break  even volume  and is  expected to  increase during  the second half of the
year.  SinterCast is currently supporting product development and pre-production
programmes  for  passenger  vehicle,  commercial  vehicle  and  industrial power
applications,  including  some  high  volume  programmes  that have already been
approved  for  series  production.   These  programmes provide continuous growth

During  November 2010, SinterCast indicated that  2011 provided the potential to
be  the strongest year  for new installations  in more than  a decade.  This was
reconfirmed  at the 19 May 2011 Annual General Meeting  as a target for five new
installations.  Thus far during 2011, SinterCast has announced new installations
at  the  Daedong  and  Daeshin  foundries  in  Korea.   A third installation has
recently  been completed at an undisclosed international cylinder block and head
foundry,   although   the  installation  has  not  yet  been  announced  due  to
restrictions   by   the  foundry,  pending  the  start  of  high  volume  series
production.  A formal announcement will be made when approved by the foundry and
the  end-user.  The installation outlook remains positive for the second half of
the  year,  with  discussions  at  advanced  stages  in  Asia and the Americas.
SinterCast maintains the goal of securing five new installations during 2011.

On  29 July, the Obama  administration announced new  fuel economy standards for
cars and light trucks that will require significant improvements in fuel economy
and  greenhouse gas emissions. Building on stagnant CAFE standards of 27.5 miles
per  gallon (mpg)  since 1975, the  Obama administration  introduced a  new CAFE
standard  in 2009 requiring 35.5 mpg for new cars and light trucks sold in 2016
and  beyond.  The new standard  requires a further increase  to 54.5 mpg for all
new cars and trucks sold in the United States in 2025.  Administration officials
have indicated that the 54.5 mpg standard would reflect combined fuel economy of
62 mpg  for  cars  and  45 mpg  for  pick-up  trucks.  Of greatest importance to
SinterCast,  and a part of SinterCast's message to Washington as a member of the
United  States  Coalition  for  Advanced  Diesel  Cars, the new CAFE standard is
technology  neutral,  focusing  on  the  specific  fuel economy goal rather than
prescribing  the technology  path.  The  new CAFE  standards provide an improved
opportunity  for the  increased use  of fuel  efficient diesel  engines in North

"All  of SinterCast's key indicators,  including field trials, installations and
series   production   show  positive  development  and  provide  the  basis  for
SinterCast's  best ever full year result" said Dr. Steve Dawson, President & CEO
of SinterCast.  "The successful growth, combined with positive feedback from our
customers  provides a deep  source of motivation  for the employees  as we enter
what promises to be a very busy second-half of 2011."

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Steve Dawson

President & CEO

SinterCast AB (publ)

Tel:     +46 8 660 7750



SinterCast is the world's leading supplier of process control technology for the
reliable  high volume production of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI). With at least
75% higher  tensile strength, 45% higher stiffness  and approximately double the
fatigue strength of conventional grey cast iron and aluminium, CGI allows engine
designers  to improve  performance, fuel  economy and  durability while reducing
engine  weight,  noise  and  emissions.  SinterCast  produces  a  variety of CGI
components  ranging from  2 kg to  17 tonnes, all  using the same proven process
control  technology.  The end-users  of SinterCast-CGI  components include Aston
Martin,  Audi,  Caterpillar,  Chrysler,  DAF  Trucks, Ford, Ford-Otosan, General
Electric  Transportation Systems,  General Motors,  Hyundai, Jaguar,  Jeep, Kia,
Land  Rover, MAN,  Navistar, Porsche,  PSA Peugeot-Citroën, Renault, Rolls-Royce
Power  Engineering, Scania, Toyota,  Volkswagen, Volvo, VM  Motori, and Waukesha
Engine.  The SinterCast share is  quoted on the Small  Cap segment of the NASDAQ
OMX   stock   exchange   (Stockholmsbörsen:   SINT).    For   more  information:

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