SinterCast AGM 2010

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                     SinterCast Annual General Meeting 2010

  * Board of Directors and Nomination Committee re-elected
  * Audi launches second generation V6 diesel engine with increased
    SinterCast-CGI volumes

[Stockholm, 20 May 2010] - The SinterCast AB (publ) Annual General Meeting (AGM)
was  held  on  20 May  2010 in  Stockholm.   During  the  AGM,  Dr Steve Dawson,
President  & CEO, presented an overview of recent market activities and provided
an   outlook   for  SinterCast's  potential  market  development.   Dr  Dawson's
presentation  showed that  the recent  growth in  SinterCast's series production
volume  - from  400,000 Engine Equivalents  per year  at last  year's AGM to the
current  annualised level of more than  900,000 Engine Equivalents per year - is
primarily  due to  the ramp-up  of new  components that  began series production
during  the past  year.  This  includes the  Ford 6.7L V8  engine used  in North
American Super Duty pick-up truck applications and the current production of ten
different  exhaust components at the Dashiang  foundry in China.  In contrast to
these  new high volume programmes, the production rate of most of the components
that began production prior to the onset of the global economic crisis continues
to be lower than the pre-downturn volume, although the first quarter of 2010 was
the  first  quarter  since  3Q08 to  provide  increased  volumes  for  the older
programmes.  Continued growth of the recently launched programmes, combined with
additional  new programme  launches and  the anticipated  recovery of  the older
programmes  provides  an  opportunity  for  positive cashflow in 2010 and future
growth.   As in previous years, new  installation opportunities continue to have
an  important influence on  the cashflow result.   Although several installation
discussions are ongoing, the continued restrictions on capital investment in the
foundry  industry make it  difficult to predict  the timing for new installation

Dr  Dawson's  presentation  also  introduced  the second generation Audi 3.0L V6
diesel  engine that was launched at the Vienna Motor Symposium on 29 April.  The
new 3.0L V6 is available in three power ratings, ranging from 150 to 184 kW (200
to  246 horsepower), all  with CGI  cylinder blocks,  and all  providing 22-29%
improved  fuel economy and reduced CO(2) emissions.  The second generation 3.0L
engine  replaces Audi's  2.7L V6 that  had previously  been produced with a grey
iron  cylinder block.   With increased  CGI experience,  the design engineers at
Audi  reduced the  weight of  the new  cylinder block  by 6.5 kg and reduced the
total  weight of the engine from 218 to  193 kg, which is 15 kg lighter than the
nearest  3.0 litre V6 diesel engine produced  with an aluminium cylinder block.
The  second generation V6  will begin production  at the Tupy  foundry in Brazil
during  mid-2010 and  will provide  increased SinterCast-CGI  volumes due to the
replacement of the 2.7 litre engine.

In  closing, Dr Dawson confirmed that the securing of the Company's finances and
the  launch of  the System  3000 in the  second half  of 2009, combined with the
recent upturn in series production, has provided a great sense of motivation for
the  SinterCast employees.  The  Company is confident  that it has the necessary
resources  to meet the  current increased level  of field activities and remains
committed  to realising the  goal of millions  of SinterCast-CGI vehicles on the

The  AGM authorised the Board  to acquire and dispose  of SinterCast shares such
that  the Company's shareholding at any given  time shall not exceed ten percent
of  the total shares  in the Company,  and to transfer  the number of SinterCast
shares  that the  company holds  at any  given time,  with a  deviation from the
shareholders' pre-emptive rights.  This authorisation enables the Company to buy
its  own shares  so as  to adapt  the capital  structure of  the company  to the
capital  requirements at  any given  time and  to be  able to transfer shares in
connection with the potential acquisition of a company or business.

During  the AGM, Ulla-Britt Fräjdin-Hellqvist,  Aage Figenschou, Andrea Fessler,
Robert  Dover and Steve Dawson were re-elected as Board members, with Ulla-Britt
Fräjdin-Hellqvist  re-appointed  as  Chairman.   The AGM  also  decided upon the
constitution  of  the  Nomination  Committee  until  the  next AGM, comprised of
Ulla-Britt  Fräjdin-Hellqvist, Lars Ahlström, with the primary responsibility to
represent   large   shareholders,   and  Torbjörn  Nordberg,  with  the  primary
responsibility to represent small shareholders.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors:

Ulla-Britt Fräjdin-Hellqvist             Dr. Steve Dawson

Chairman                                 President & CEO

Tel:    +46 8 660 7750                   Tel:    +46 8 660 7750

e-mail: u-b.frajdin-hellqvist@sintercast e-mail:
        .com                                     <mailto:steve.dawson@sintercast
        <mailto:u-b.frajdin-hellqvist@si         .com>>

SinterCast is the world's leading supplier of process control technology for the
reliable  high volume production of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI). With at least
75% higher  tensile strength, 45% higher stiffness  and approximately double the
fatigue strength of conventional grey cast iron and aluminium, CGI allows engine
designers  to improve  performance, fuel  economy and  durability while reducing
engine  weight,  noise  and  emissions.  SinterCast  produces  a  variety of CGI
components  ranging from  2 kg to  17 tonnes, all  using the same proven process
control  technology.  The end-users  of SinterCast-CGI  components include Aston
Martin,  Audi,  Caterpillar,  Chrysler,  DAF  Trucks, Ford, Ford-Otosan, General
Electric Transportation Systems, General Motors, Hyundai, Navistar, Jaguar, Kia,
Land  Rover,  MAN,  Porsche,  PSA  Peugeot-Citroën,  Renault,  Rolls-Royce Power
Engineering, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo and Waukesha Engine. The SinterCast share
is   quoted  on  the  Small  Cap  segment  of  the  Nordic  Exchange,  Stockholm
(Stockholmsbörsen: SINT).


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