SinterCast Extraordinary General Meeting

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* Pre-emptive rights issue of shares and warrants approved by EGM
  * New Employee Stock Option Programme approved by EGM

[Stockholm, 20 August 2009] - The SinterCast AB (publ)  Extraordinary
General Meeting (EGM) of the shareholders was held on 20 August  2009
in Stockholm.  During the EGM, the shareholders approved the Board of
Directors' proposal for a new issue  of shares and share warrants  of
Series 2009/2010 with pre-emption  rights for existing  shareholders.
The rights issue  comprises of a  maximum of 925,483  new shares  and
925,483 new  warrants.  The  right to  subscribe for  new shares  and
share warrants shall belong to those  persons who on the record  date
for the  new issue  of shares  are recorded  as shareholders  of  the
Company  in  the  share  register  kept  by  Euroclear.   Each   such
shareholder  shall  have  a  pre-emption  right  to  obtain  one  (1)
subscription right for one (1) existing share.  Six (6)  subscription
rights entitle the holder to subscribe for one (1) Unit consisting of
one (1) share and one (1)  share warrant.  Shares and share  warrants
may only be jointly subscribed for in Units.  Each Unit is issued  at
a subscription price of SEK 25, where the subscription price for each
share is SEK 25.  The share warrants are not issued against payment.
Accordingly, the  initial  amount of  the  new rights  issue  is  SEK
23,137,075. Subscription and payment for a Unit by a shareholder with
subscription right shall be made during the period from 31 August  to
14 September 2009.   Subscription of  shares by virtue  of the  share
warrants shall be made  during the period  from 1-30 September  2010.
 Two (2) share warrants  entitle the holder to  subscribe to one  (1)
new share in  the Company  at a subscription  price of  SEK 25.   The
Board of  Director's complete  proposal  for the  pre-emptive  rights
issue is available on the SinterCast website.

The shareholders also approved the Board of Directors' proposal for a
new Employee Stock Option Programme  including the issue of  employee
stock options and the issue of share warrants to SinterCast Personnel
AB.  The  employee stock  options  shall be  allocated to  all  staff
employed in the  SinterCast Group  at the  time of  issue. The  stock
options entitle each such  employee to acquire one  (1) share in  the
Company.  The maximum number of stock options to be allotted will  be
285,000, with an additional 15,000  share warrants being reserved  by
the Company to cover the social costs associated with the  programme.
 The subscription of shares via the options will take place  annually
over a four year period, with the subscription price being equivalent
to  an  annual  increase   of  ten  (10)   percent  of  the   average
volume-weighted price paid for one SinterCast share on the  Stockholm
Stock Exchange  on each  trading day  during the  period 6-19  August
2009, specifically, SEK  36.6.  The  annual increase  of ten  percent
corresponds to  a 46.5%  increase  over the  four  year term  of  the
programme.  The employee stock options are subject to a ceiling  such
that any profit, at exercise, cannot  exceed SEK 50 per option.   The
Board of Director's complete proposal  for the Employee Stock  Option
Programme is available on the SinterCast website.

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Dr. Steve Dawson
President & CEO
Tel:  +46 8 660 77 50
Mobile: +44 7710 026 342

SinterCast  is  the  world's  leading  supplier  of  process  control
technology for  the  reliable  high volume  production  of  Compacted
Graphite  Iron  (CGI).    SinterCast   produces  a  variety  of   CGI
components ranging from 2 kg to 17 tonnes, all using the same, proven
process  control   technology.    The end-users   of   SinterCast-CGI
components include  Aston Martin,  Audi, Caterpillar,  Chrysler,  DAF
Trucks, Ford, Ford-Otosan,  General Electric Transportation  Systems,
General Motors,  Hyundai, Navistar,  Jaguar,  Kia, Land  Rover,  MAN,
Porsche, PSA Peugeot-Citroën, Rolls-Royce Power Engineering,  Toyota,
Volkswagen, Volvo and Waukesha Engine. The SinterCast share is quoted
on  the  Small  Cap  segment   of  the  Nordic  Exchange,   Stockholm
(Stockholmsbörsen: SINT).


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