SinterCast joins U.S. Coalition for Advanced Diesel Cars

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[Stockholm,   25 February   2010] -  SinterCast,  the  Swedish  process  control
specialist  for the  reliable production  of Compacted  Graphite Iron (CGI), has
accepted  an invitation  to join  the U.S.  Coalition for  Advanced Diesel Cars.
 Established in February 2009 by the leading automotive suppliers BorgWarner and
Robert Bosch LLC, and now including Dow Automotive Systems, Tenneco and Umicore,
the   objective   of  the  coalition  is  generate  awareness  among  consumers,
legislators  and regulators of  the benefits and  misperceptions of clean diesel
technology  for  passenger  cars.   This  objective  will  be  realised  through
engagement  in policy, regulatory  and advocacy activities.   The U.S. Coalition
for  Advanced Diesel  Cars is  a partnership  committed to  promoting technology
neutral regulatory policies, energy efficiency and the environmental benefits of
advanced  clean diesel technology  for passenger vehicles.   Based in Washington
D.C.,  the coalition is  the only advocacy  group exclusively dedicated to clean
diesel passenger vehicles.

"We are pleased to join forces with the U.S. Coalition for Advanced Diesel Cars,
to improve our ability to convey our belief in the diesel engine as an important
part  of the solution for fuel independence  and CO2 reduction in North America"
said  Dr. Steve Dawson, President  & CEO of SinterCast.   "SinterCast has been a
longstanding supporter of the diesel engine, and specifically of its application
to  the  types  of  vehicles  and  driving  modes that predominate in the United
States.   The US Coalition  for Advanced Diesel  Cars provides a new opportunity
for  the automotive community to demonstrate  the benefits of diesel engines and
to  foster  technology  neutral  policies  that  maximise  fuel  economy and CO2

For more information, please contact:

 Dr. Steve Dawson
 President & CEO
 SinterCast AB (publ)

 Tel:    +46 8 660 7750
 e-mail: <>

The  U.S.  Coalition  for  Advanced  Diesel  Cars  is a partnership committed to
promoting  the energy  efficiency and  environmental benefits  of advanced clean
diesel technology for passenger vehicles in the U.S. marketplace. It is the only
advocacy  group exclusively  dedicated to  clean diesel  passenger vehicles. The
Coalition  advocates  for  technology-neutral  public  policies  and regulations
rewarding  innovation  and  providing  equal  market  opportunities for advanced
technology passenger vehicles. The Coalition is based in Washington, D.C. and is
national   in   scope.    For   more  information:

SinterCast is the world's leading supplier of process control technology for the
reliable  high volume production of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI). With at least
75% higher  tensile strength, 45% higher stiffness  and approximately double the
fatigue strength of conventional grey cast iron and aluminium, CGI allows engine
designers  to improve  performance, fuel  economy and  durability while reducing
engine  weight,  noise  and  emissions.  SinterCast  produces  a  variety of CGI
components  ranging from  2 kg to  17 tonnes, all  using the same proven process
control  technology.  The end-users  of SinterCast-CGI  components include Aston
Martin,  Audi,  Caterpillar,  Chrysler,  DAF  Trucks, Ford, Ford-Otosan, General
Electric Transportation Systems, General Motors, Hyundai, Navistar, Jaguar, Kia,
Land  Rover, MAN, MAN Diesel, Porsche, PSA Peugeot-Citroën, Renault, Rolls-Royce
Power Engineering, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo and Waukesha Engine. The SinterCast
share  is quoted  on the  Small Cap  segment of  the Nordic  Exchange, Stockholm
(Stockholmsbörsen:    SINT).     For    more   information:


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