SinterCast poised to finish 2011 with record results

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Press Release
For Immediate Distribution

  * Series production running at record pace of more than 1.5 million Engine
    Equivalents per year
  * Six new installations commissioned, surpassing announced target of five new
  * Ongoing product development with high volume potential beyond the current
    product mix

[Stockholm,  8 December  2011] -  Series  production  continues  to  grow,  with
annualised  production  currently  running  at  a  record pace of more than 1.5
million  Engine  Equivalents  (75,000  tonnes/year).  The 2011 series production
surpassed full year 2010 results during October and is poised to close 2011 with
50% year-on-year  growth.   Likewise, Sampling Cup shipments surpassed 2010 full
year  results during September and, following record shipment of 22,400 Sampling
Cups during October, the Sampling Cup volume is poised to increase from 102,650
units in 2010 to approximately 150,000 units in 2011.

During  November 2010, SinterCast announced that  2011 provided the potential to
be  the strongest year  for new installations  in more than  a decade.  This was
reconfirmed at the 2011 AGM as a target for five installations.  Thus far during
2011, SinterCast  has commissioned six new  installations, surpassing the target
announced more than one year ago.  Together, the increased series production and
installation activities have resulted in a significant increase in revenue, with
year-to-date  revenue in October 2011 more than 40%  higher than the same period
in 2010.

SinterCast and its foundry customers are actively supporting product development
for  new CGI applications beyond the  current core sectors for passenger vehicle
V-diesel cylinder blocks and commercial vehicle cylinder blocks and heads.  This
ongoing  product  development  provides  opportunities  for  high  volume series
production  in the near term, and an important broadening of SinterCast's series
production base.

Although economic uncertainty continues to dampen financial markets, the outlook
for SinterCast in 2012 remains positive.  Series production shows a clear growth
trend  and, while new car sales forecasts in Europe may indicate a decline, this
is  primarily influenced  by anticipated  reductions in  small vehicle  sales in
southern  Europe.  SinterCast's current production is linked to large and luxury
vehicles,  and  this  sector  does  not  yet  show  any decline.  Globally, most
analysts  forecast foundry  production to  increase by  up to  5% per year until
2015, providing   a   positive  business  environment  for  SinterCast's  series
production and new installation opportunities.

"Across the board, 2011 has provided record results and series production growth
of  approximately 50%.  Our track record for  series production growth is strong
and  consistent, with every  single quarter since  2008 showing positive growth"
said  Dr. Steve Dawson,  President & CEO  of SinterCast.  "This growth, combined
with  positive feedback from our customers, provides a deep source of motivation
as we look forward to 2012."

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Steve Dawson

President & CEO

SinterCast AB (publ)


SinterCast is the world's leading supplier of process control technology for the
reliable  high volume production of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI). With at least
75% higher  tensile strength, 45% higher stiffness  and approximately double the
fatigue strength of conventional grey cast iron and aluminium, CGI allows engine
designers  to improve  performance, fuel  economy and  durability while reducing
engine  weight,  noise  and  emissions.  SinterCast  produces  a  variety of CGI
components  ranging from  2 kg to  17 tonnes, all  using the same proven process
control  technology.  The end-users  of SinterCast-CGI  components include Aston
Martin,  Audi,  Caterpillar,  Chrysler,  DAF  Trucks, Ford, Ford-Otosan, General
Electric  Transportation Systems,  General Motors,  Hyundai, Jaguar,  Jeep, Kia,
Land  Rover, MAN,  Navistar, Porsche,  PSA Peugeot-Citroën, Renault, Rolls-Royce
Power  Engineering, Scania, Toyota,  Volkswagen, Volvo, VM  Motori, and Waukesha
Engine.  The SinterCast share is  quoted on the Small  Cap segment of the NASDAQ
OMX   stock   exchange   (Stockholmsbörsen:   SINT).    For   more  information:

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