SinterCast Results October-December 2010

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                    SinterCast Results October-December 2010
                             Full Year Results 2010
  * Revenue for period: SEK 14.5 million (SEK 5.5 million).  Full Year: SEK
    39.4 million (SEK 20.0 million)
  * Operating result: SEK 3.9 million (SEK -1.1 million). Full Year: SEK 7.2
    million (SEK -6.3 million)
  * Earnings/share: SEK 1.3 per share (SEK -0.2 per share). Full Year: SEK 2.5
    per share (SEK -0.5 per share)
  * Cashflow: SEK 14.3 million (SEK -1.9 million). Full Year: SEK 15.5 million
    (SEK 15.8 million)
  * Dividend: The Board of Directors proposes an ordinary dividend of SEK 0.5
    per share (0.0)
  * Daedong Metals foundry in Korea adopts SinterCast technology for commercial
    vehicle series production
  * Dashiang Precision foundry in China activates second System 2000 for
    increased series production
  * Grainger & Worrall receives UK Casting of the Year award for SinterCast-CGI
    V8 cylinder block

  Year-on-year series production increased by 118% as SinterCast supported the
 of more than two million CGI castings in Europe, Asia and the Americas during

Current Production and Outlook
Series production grew to an annualised rate of 1.2 million Engine Equivalents
during the quarter, providing a 118% year-on-year increase and an increase of
60% relative to the pre-economic downturn high of 750,000 Engine Equivalents
established during September 2008.  The increased production demand resulted in
the shipment of 102,650 consumable Sampling Cups and the production of more than
two million SinterCast-CGI components.  Combined with new installation revenue
from First Automobile Works during January, and from the Dashiang Precision and
Daedong Metals foundries during December, the increased activities provided full
year revenue of SEK 39.4 million (SEK 20.0 million) and served as the basis of
the positive results.

Following a successful product development period, Daedong Metals, one of South
Korea's leading cast iron foundries, entered into a long-term technology supply
agreement for series production.  The SinterCast System 3000 process control
system was delivered before year-end and installed during the first week of
January 2011.  Series production of 6, 9 and 11 litre CGI cylinder heads for
Hyundai commercial vehicle engines began during early-January 2011.  The CGI
cylinder heads will be used for the high performance versions of existing
engines and are forecast to provide a production volume of approximately 50,000
Engine Equivalents during 2011.  The Hyundai production increases the number of
SinterCast-CGI commercial vehicle components to 17, and the total number of
series production components to 46.

In order to accommodate increased series production demand, the Dashiang
Precision foundry in China exercised an option to activate a back-up System
2000 on 3 December 2010, in exchange for a previously agreed fee.  The Dashiang
foundry now produces CGI turbocharger housings and exhaust manifolds on two
different moulding lines, for export to the European passenger vehicle market.

During  the period, the Grainger &  Worrall foundry received the prestigious 'UK
Casting  of the Year  2010' award from the  British Cast Metals Federation.  The
UK's  top casting prize  was awarded for  the development and  production of the
General  Motors V8 NASCAR  cylinder block produced  in SinterCast-CGI.  The Cast
Metals  Federation  highlighted  several  key  technical  features of the block,
including cored water passages between the cylinder bores of just 2.5mm, and the
use  of  the  SinterCast  process  technology,  which  Grainger  &  Worrall "has
championed since 2004".

Also  during the period, the Ford  CCP foundry in the USA  was closed as part of
Ford's  global reorganisation.  The  closure resulted in  the termination of the
agreement  with  CCP  for  the  use  of  a  Mini-System 2000 that was previously
installed to support CGI product development.

Based  on the  current production  programmes and  the potential market recovery
during  SinterCast's  five  year  planning  horizon,  the  five  year outlook is
summarised as follows:

                                  Approximate Annual Production Potential and

                               31 December 2010        30 September 2010

Activity                       KEQVS* MSEK/yr** KEQVS* MSEK/yr**

Current Series Production[1]    1,200        26  1,100                        25

Potential Mature Volume[2]      1,500        33  1,350                        31

Production Orders Secured[3]      500        11    450                        10

Development Pipeline[4]         2,350        52  2,500                        58

Near-term Market                4,350        96  4,300                        99

Notes: 1. Current annualised production rate

       2. Annualised potential mature volume of Current Series Production  (Item
          1 above) when fully ramped-up

       3. Annualised mature volume of programmes for which SinterCast's foundry
          customers have received production orders, but have not yet started
          series production

       4. Annualised mature volume of development programmes that SinterCast is
          currently supporting, but have not yet been awarded as series
          production orders

       5. Total Near-term Market Opportunity (sum of items 2, 3 and 4)

       *  KEQVS: Thousands of Engine Equivalents

       ** Based on 23 SEK/Engine Equivalent on 30 September and 22 SEK /Engine
          Equivalent on 31 December due to changes in exchange rates

Financial Summary

The  revenue for the SinterCast Group relates primarily to income from equipment
(sales and leases), series production and engineering service.

Revenue Breakdown                              October-December January-December

                                                 2010      2009    2010     2009
Number of Sampling Cups shipped                30,600    18,600 102,650   54,600

Equipment[1]                                      5.3       0.3     6.8      2.6

Series Production[2]                              8.7       4.7    30.9     15.6

Engineering Service[3]                            0.3       0.4     1.3      1.7

Other( )                                          0.2       0.1     0.4      0.1
Total                                            14.5       5.5    39.4     20.0
(Amounts in SEK million if not otherwise

Notes: 1. Includes revenue from system sales and leases and sales of spare parts

       2. Includes revenue from production fees, consumables and software
          licence fees

       3. Includes revenue from technical support, on-site trials and sales of
          test pieces

The  October-December  2010 revenue  amounted  to  SEK  14.5 million  (SEK  5.5
million).   The revenue  increase of  260% is a  result of the SinterCast System
3000 delivery  to Daedong Metals in Korea,  the activation of the back-up System
2000 at  the Dashiang Precision foundry in  China, and the significant increases
in  series  production  and  Sampling  Cup  shipments.  The  revenue from series
production  increased by 185% to  SEK 8.7 million (SEK  4.7 million), due to the
ongoing  production  at  an  annualised  rate of approximately 1.2 (0.6) million
Engine   Equivalents   and   the  shipment  of  30,600 (18,600)  Sampling  Cups.
Development activities amounted to SEK 0.4 (0.8) million and have been accounted
as investments and credited R&D costs.

The  January-December  2010 revenue  amounted  to  SEK  39.4 million  (SEK 20.0
million).  The  revenue  increase  of  197% is  as  a  result of the significant
increases  in series production, including an increase from 54,600 Sampling Cups
in 2009 to 102,650 Sampling Cups in 2010, plus invoicing of installations at the
Daedong Metals foundry in Korea, the Dashiang Precision foundry in China, and at
First  Automobile Works  foundry in  China.  The  revenue from series production
increased by 198% to SEK 30.9 million (SEK 15.6 million).


Results Summary                  October-December January-December

                                 2010        2009 2010        2009
Operating Result                  3.9        -1.1  7.2        -6.3

Result for the period             9.1        -1.1 16.5        -2.7

Result after tax per share (SEK)  1.3        -0.2  2.5        -0.5
(Amounts in SEK million if not otherwise stated)

The October-December 2010 operating result of SEK 3.9 million (SEK -1.1) million
was  primarily driven by the higher gross  result of SEK 7.0 million compared to
the  same period 2009. The cost increase of SEK 2.0 million compared to the same
period  2009 is mainly  related to  higher costs  related to increased equipment
sales,  travel costs,  temporary advisory  services and  intensified development
efforts.  The result after tax for  the October-December 2010 period amounted to
SEK  9.1 million (SEK -1.1 million), primarily related to the revaluation of the
deferred tax asset, as described in the section entitled "Deferred Tax Asset".

The January-December 2010 operating result of SEK 7.2 million (SEK -6.3) million
was  primarily driven by the higher gross result of SEK 16.2 million compared to
the  same period 2009. The cost increase of SEK 2.7 million compared to the same
period  2009 is mainly  related to  higher costs  related to increased equipment
sales,   travel  costs,  advisory  services,  operational  exchange  losses  and
increased  R&D costs. The R&D costs have  been credited by SEK 0.4 (0.8) million
due  to the  activation of  development projects.  The result  after tax for the
January-December  2010 period amounted  to SEK  16.5 million (SEK -2.7 million),
primarily  related to the revaluation of the deferred tax asset, as described in
the section entitled "Deferred Tax Asset".

Deferred Tax Asset
SinterCast calculates its estimated future taxable profit from secured
production orders on a quarterly basis, in order to determine the valuation of
its deferred tax asset.

Deferred Tax Asset                       October-December     January-December

                                          2010 2009       2010            2009
Estimated future taxable profit          120.4 80.3      120.4            80.3

Change in carry-forward tax loss taken    23.4    -       40.1            10.3
into consideration

Deferred tax on carry-forward tax losses  31.7 21.2       31.7            21.2

Change in deferred tax due to the result  -1.1    -       -2.4               -
for the period

Deferred tax asset                                        29.3            21.2

Change in deferred tax on carry-forward    6.1    -       10.5             2.7
tax losses

Change in deferred tax due to the result  -1.1    -       -2.4               -
for the period

Deferred tax changes on income tax         5.0    -        8.1             2.7
(Amounts in SEK million if not otherwise stated)

SinterCast  has reassessed the estimated future  taxable profit and deferred tax
asset  calculation from  secured orders  to reflect  the current  expectation of
programme  longevity  and  the  typical  lifecycle  for engine programmes in the
automotive  industry.  As  of  31 December  2010, SEK  120.4 million  (SEK 80.3
million)  of SinterCast's total carried-forward tax losses have been used as the
basis  of  the  updated  calculation,  resulting  in SEK 31.7 million (SEK 21.2
million)  being capitalised as a deferred tax  asset. Due to the positive result
for  the period, the deferred tax asset has been reduced by SEK 2.4 million (SEK
0.0 million) to SEK 29.3 million (SEK 21.2 million).

Employee Stock Option Programme
As of 31 December 2010, the cost of the employee stock option programme
2009-2013 was calculated at a total amount of SEK 3.1 million (SEK 3.3 million),
based on a closing share price of SEK 51.25 (SEK 50.5). Thus far during 2010,
SEK 1.5 million (SEK 0.7 million) has been accounted for as costs related to the
option programme.

Cashflow, Liquidity and Investments
The October-December 2010 cashflow result was SEK 14.3 million (SEK -1.9
million), providing a Group liquidity of SEK 40.3 million on 31 December 2010
(SEK 24.8 million).  The cashflow change of SEK 14.3 million compared with the
cash position of SEK 26.0 million at 30 September 2010 is a result of the
warrant exercise programmes for shareholders (SEK 11.3 million) and for the
first 15% of the employee options (SEK 1.7 million), together with the positive
results for the period and an increase of working capital.

The  January-December  2010 cashflow  result  was  SEK  15.5 million  (SEK 15.8
million).   The  cashflow  change  of  SEK  15.5 million  compared with the cash
position  of SEK  24.8 million at  31 December 2009 is  a result of  the warrant
exercise programmes for shareholders (SEK 11.3 million) and for the first 15% of
the  employee options (SEK 1.7 million), together  with the positive results for
the  period  and  an  increase  of  working  capital.  It is noted that accounts
receivables  has  increased  to  SEK  11.6 million on 31 December 2010 (SEK 3.0
million on 31 December 2009). During December, the Sörmland Sparbank loan in the
amount of SEK 3.0 million was extended for an additional three months.

Investments  during the period amounted to SEK 0.7 million (SEK 1.3 million), of
which SEK 0.4 million relates to the activation of development projects.

Cashflow Summary                    October-December January-December

                                    2010        2009 2010        2009
Cashflow from operating activities   5.1         0.8 10.4        -3.2

Cashflow from working capital       -3.5        -2.3 -7.4        -1.7

Cashflow from investment activities -0.3        -0.1 -0.5        -0.6
Cashflow from financing activities  13.0        -0.3 13.0        21.3
Cashflow total                      14.3        -1.9 15.5        15.8

Liquidity                           40.3        24.8 40.3        24.8

Investments                          0.2         1.3  0.7         1.3
(Amounts in SEK million if not otherwise stated)

SinterCast  has  historically  been  financed  by  risk  capital provided by its
shareholders  and  has  managed  its  expenses  according  to  market forecasts,
resource  requirements, and regular  reviews of expenditures  in relation to the
annual  budget.  Following  positive  cashflow  from operations during 2010, the
Board judges that the long-term financing of the Company is secure, allowing the
Company to be more pro-active in its operations.

Risks and Uncertainty Factors
Despite the positive increase in series production, and the renewed
opportunities for installations, the main uncertainty factor for SinterCast
continues to be the overall timing of the CGI market ramp-up.  This  primarily
depends on OEM decisions for new CGI engines and other components, the global
economy for new vehicle sales and on the individual sales success of the
vehicles equipped with SinterCast-CGI components.

Over  the past two years, the economic  conditions facing the global foundry and
automotive  industries  have  caused  some  automotive  OEMs to delay production
launches  and this  has directly  affected SinterCast.   Although the automotive
market  is enjoying a  recovery, volumes in  SinterCast's core markets are still
significantly  below pre-downturn levels and  the SinterCast-CGI programmes that
started production before 3Q08 have still not fully recovered.  While SinterCast
continues  to support  new product  development activities,  and anticipates new
production  launches and new  opportunities for installation  revenue, the Board
believes  that it is still not possible  to determine the ultimate effect of the
global economic recession or the timing and rate of the overall market recovery.

Market Penetration and Competition
SinterCast enjoys global brand recognition and respect as the CGI technology
leader and is welcomed by the industry as a reliable and trustworthy partner.
However, virtually every company encounters competition, and SinterCast is no
exception.  As the CGI market has developed, some foundry supply companies have
proposed alternative CGI technologies.  To SinterCast's knowledge, these have
included Hereaus-Electronite, OxyCast, OCC and NovaCast.  It is also possible
that some foundries may opt to produce CGI using in-house control and
discipline, but this is generally judged to become less likely as product
complexity and production volumes increase, and as specification requirements
become more rigidly enforced by the end-users.  SinterCast judges that its
technology and engineering know-how provides the most reliable and cost-
effective solution for the production of high quality CGI.  Based on its proven
technology, production experience and engineering service, SinterCast will
continue to support new CGI development activities to further increase its share
of the world CGI production capacity.  With respect to the development of
alternative automotive technologies such as biofuels, hybrids and fuel cells,
SinterCast does not expect these to have a significant effect on the Company's
competitive position for the foreseeable future.

The Group management and sales activities are based at the headquarter office in
London,  UK.  The Technical  Centre based in  Katrineholm, Sweden is responsible
for  technical and commercial support  of ongoing foundry production activities,
product development, production of the control systems and sampling consumables,
ISO  9001:2008 quality  certification,  and  finance  and administration.  Local
support  of  customer  activities  in  North  and  South  America is provided by
SinterCast  Inc., based  in Chicago,  USA, while  local support  for the Chinese
market  is  provided  by  the  SinterCast  AB  Shanghai  Representative Office.
Technical  back-up for the US  and Chinese offices is  provided by the Technical
Centre in Katrineholm.

In  order to  expand SinterCast's  market reach,  representation agreements have
been  established  with  Ashland  Casting  Solutions  on  a  global  basis,  ASD
International  in  Japan,  Pantech  Engineering  in  Australia and with the STPC
(Swedish  Trade Promotion  Center) in  Korea.  Consultancy  agreements have also
been  established to support  SinterCast's local sales  activities in France and
India.  Together with the global presence of technology partners such as ABP for
foundry  automation, Grainger & Worrall for rapid prototyping and MAG Industrial
Automation   Systems  for  manufacturing,  the  representation  and  consultancy
agreements  provide a familiar  and respected local  presence for the SinterCast

As of 31 December 2010, the Group had 13 (13) employees, two (two) of which were
female.   On 3 February 2011, Dr Jincheng Liu,  a Chinese citizen and an advisor
to  the China Foundry Association,  joined the company in  the capacity of Sales
Director  - China.   Following training  at the  SinterCast Technical  Centre in
Sweden,  Dr Liu  will be  posted in  China.  Together  with Dr Xiang Feng Zhang,
General  Manager  -  China,  based  at  SinterCast's  representation  office  in
Shanghai,  Dr  Liu  will  increase  SinterCast's  sales  presence in the Chinese
market.   Further  recruitment  will  be  phased  with  the development of field
activities, particularly the need to support new installations.

SinterCast  currently  holds  12 (13)  patents.   SinterCast currently maintains
59(63) individual  national phase patents granted or pending worldwide.  The 12
base  patents address  SinterCast's metallurgical  technology, the Sampling Cup,
product applications and machining.

Accounting Principles
The  information provided on behalf of the Group in this interim report has been
prepared  in accordance  with Sweden's  Annual Accounts  Act and  IAS 34 Interim
Financial  Reporting. The reporting for the  Parent Company has been prepared in
accordance with Sweden's Annual Accounts Act and RFR 2.  The accounting policies
that have been applied for the Group and for the Parent Company are in agreement
with  the accounting  policies used  in the  preparation of the Company's latest
annual report. New accounting principles, which came into effect as of 1 January
2010, have not affected the financial statements.

No  material transactions have  taken place between  SinterCast and the Board or
the Management during the period.

Events after the Balance Sheet Date
There have been no significant events since the balance sheet date of 31
December 2010 that could materially change these financial statements.

Parent Company
SinterCast AB (publ) is the Parent Company of the SinterCast Group, with
registered office located in Stockholm, Sweden.  The Parent Company has 10 (10)
employees.  The majority of the operations are conducted by the Parent Company,
including responsibility for the representative office in China and sales
representatives in Australia, India, Japan and Korea. Operations in the UK and
the USA are managed by the local companies.  The information given for the Group
in this report corresponds in all material respects to the Parent Company.


The Interim Report January-March 2011 will be published on 4 May 2011
The Interim Report April-June 2011 will be published on 24 August 2011
The Interim Report July-September 2011 will be published on 2 November 2011
The Interim Report October- December and Full Year Results 2011 will be
published on 22 February 2012

Annual Report 2010
The Annual Report 2010 will be published during the week commencing 18 April

Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting 2011 will be held on 19 May 2011.

The Board of Directors intend to propose to the AGM 2011 to decide that the
results for 2010 be carried forward, to propose dividend for 2011, and, on an
annual basis, to seek shareholder approval to authorise a share buy-back

Based on the improved profitability and increased liquidity, of the company, the
Board  of Directors propose  an ordinary dividend  of SEK 0.5 per  share for the
financial year 2010, which corresponds to a total transfer of SEK 3.5 million to
shareholders  of SinterCast  AB (publ).  No dividend  was paid for the preceding
year.  The Board  proposes 24 May,  2011 as the  record date  for entitlement to
receive dividends.

Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee, elected by the Annual General Meeting 2010, consists
of Ulla-Britt Fräjdin-Hellqvist, Lars Ahlström and Torbjörn Nordberg. The
Nomination Committee can be contacted at:

This report has not been reviewed by the Company's Auditors.

For further information please contact:

Dr. Steve Dawson

President & CEO

SinterCast AB (publ)

Tel:     +46 8  660 7750

Mobile:  +44 771 002 6342



SinterCast is the world's leading supplier of process control technology for the
reliable high volume production of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI). With at least
75% higher tensile strength, 45% higher stiffness and approximately double the
fatigue strength of conventional grey cast iron and aluminium, CGI allows engine
designers to improve performance, fuel economy and durability while reducing
engine weight, noise and emissions. The SinterCast technology is used for the
production of more than 46 CGI components, ranging from 2 kg to 17 tonnes, all
using the same proven process control technology.  The end-users of SinterCast-
CGI components include Aston Martin, Audi, Caterpillar, Chrysler, DAF Trucks,
Ford, Ford-Otosan, General Electric Transportation Systems, General Motors,
Hyundai, Jaguar, Kia, Land Rover, MAN, Navistar, Porsche, PSA Peugeot-Citroën,
Renault, Rolls-Royce Power Engineering, Toyota, VM Motori, Volkswagen, Volvo and
Waukesha Engine. The SinterCast share is quoted on the Small Cap segment of the
NASDAQ OMX stock exchange (Stockholmsbörsen: SINT).

                                    - END -

The full report with tables can be downloaded from the following link:

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