SinterCast Results October-December 2011

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Press Release: 22 February 2012

  * Revenue for period: SEK 16.0 million (SEK 14.5 million). Year-to-date: SEK
    49.0 million (SEK 39.4 million)
  * Operating result: SEK 4.1 million (SEK 3.9 million). Year-to-date: SEK 11.6
    million (SEK 7.2 million)
  * Earnings/share: SEK 0.7 per share (SEK 1.3 per share). Year-to-date: SEK
    2.1 per share (SEK 2.5 per share)
  * Cashflow from operations: SEK 4.6 million (SEK 1.6 million). Year-to-date:
    SEK 14.5 million (SEK 3.0 million)
  * Dividend: The Board proposes an ordinary dividend of SEK 1.0 per share (SEK
    0.5 per share)
  * Extraordinary dividend: The Board proposes an extraordinary dividend of SEK
    0.7 per share
  * Navistar PurePOWER foundry announces high volume production of commercial
    vehicle cylinder blocks
  * Mid-City Foundry installs Mini-System 3000 for ongoing production of
    industrial power components

SinterCast finishes 2011 with record production, record installations and record

Current Production and Outlook
Series production increased by 7% during the quarter, finishing the year with
record annualised production of 1.55 million Engine Equivalents.  The increased
series production during the fourth quarter extended the continuous trend of
positive growth in every quarter since 2008.  It is estimated that the current
series production programmes have the potential to grow to an annual volume of
approximately 1.9 million Engine Equivalents when all programmes reach mature
volume.  SinterCast is currently supporting product development programmes for
passenger vehicle, commercial vehicle and industrial power applications in
Europe, Asia and the Americas, including some high volume applications beyond
the current high volume domains of passenger vehicle V-diesel cylinder blocks
and commercial vehicle cylinder blocks and heads.  It is estimated that the
current product development programmes, some of which have already been approved
for series production, could provide approximately 2.65 million additional
Engine Equivalents per year.  The combined potential of the current series
production programmes and the programmes under development represents a market
opportunity of approximately 4.55 million Engine Equivalents per year within
SinterCast's five year planning horizon.

On  25 January  2012, the  Navistar  PurePOWER  foundry in Indianapolis, Indiana
announced  the high volume (>100,000 Engine  Equivalents per year) production of
commercial   vehicle  cylinder  blocks  using  the  SinterCast  process  control
technology.  The series production began during mid-2011and ramped up during the
third  and  fourth  quarters.   The  System  3000 installation  at the PurePOWER
Indianapolis   casting   facility  is  SinterCast's  most  technically  advanced
installation   to   date.   In  addition  to  the  standard  measure-and-correct
feedforward  control  of  the  casting  process,  the  System 3000 also provides
automatic feedback control of the base treatment operation and data logging from
the  melting, moulding  and shake-out  operations to  provide enhanced  QS 9000
quality  control and  traceability.  The  technology agreement between PurePOWER
and   SinterCast   encompasses  the  PurePOWER  casting  facilities  located  in
Indianapolis,  Indiana  and  Waukesha,  Wisconsin,  with PurePOWER reserving the
right  to install additional SinterCast control systems on the two casting lines
in  Waukesha.  Together, the  Indianapolis and Waukesha  facilities provide high
volume  CGI production capability  for passenger vehicle  and commercial vehicle
cylinder blocks and heads with engine displacements as large as 15 litres.

Following  three years  of niche  volume CGI  production with  on-site technical
support  provided  by  SinterCast,  the  Mid-City  Foundry  Company  located  in
Milwaukee,   Wisconsin  installed  a  Mini-System  3000 during  December  2011,
providing  Mid-City with fully independent production capability for its ongoing
production  of industrial power components.  The CGI components produced at Mid-
City  Foundry  range  from  100 to  550 kg  and  are  all  used in the demanding
industrial  power sector, particularly for the off-shore oil and gas industries.
 The  castings, which  are primarily  produced for  Cameron Compression, include
cylinder  heads and turbocharger components.   The Mid-City production increases
the  total number of SinterCast-CGI components currently in series production to

With the Mini-System 3000 installation at Mid-City, SinterCast  reached  six new
installation  commitments during  2011, exceeding the  2011 installation outlook
that  was first announced during November 2010.  The six new installations, made
in  China, Japan, Korea (2)  and the United States  (2) resulted in SinterCast's
best year ever for new installations.

Following  the introduction of SinterCast's  ductile iron product development at
the  GIFA world foundry trade fair in  June 2011, the first field trial has been
conducted  at a major international foundry  in North America.  The objective of
the  trial was  to provide  an initial  demonstration of  the technology  and to
collect  production  data  to  refine  and validate the correlations established
during  the  initial  development.   The  start  of  field  trials represents an
important  step in the product development  phase, which is expected to continue
throughout  2012 before a final decision  can be made regarding  the launch of a
commercial  product.  The ductile  iron technology is  intended to provide a net
cost-benefit  to the foundry by  reducing magnesium consumption, improving mould
yield, reducing casting defects and improving machinability

Financial Summary

The  revenue for the SinterCast Group relates primarily to income from equipment
(sales and leases), series production and engineering service.

Revenue Breakdown                              October-December January-December

                                                 2011      2010    2011     2010
Number of Sampling Cups shipped                33,100    30,600 138,200  102,650

Equipment (1)                                     4.6       5.3     7.9      6.8

Series Production (2)                            11.0       8.7    39.0     30.9

Engineering Service( 3)                           0.4       0.3     2.0      1.3

Other( )                                          0.0       0.2     0.1      0.4
Total                                            16.0      14.5    49.0     39.4
(Amounts in SEK million if not otherwise

Notes: 1. Includes revenue from system sales and leases and sales of spare parts

       2. Includes revenue from production fees, consumables and software
          licence fees

       3. Includes revenue from technical support, on-site trials and sales of
          test pieces

The  October-December  2011 revenue  amounted  to  SEK  16.0 million  (SEK 14.5
million).  The revenue increase  of 10% is a  result of the  increases in series
production  and  Sampling  Cup  shipments.  The  revenue  from series production
increased  by  26% to  SEK  11.0 million  (SEK  8.7 million),  due to the record
production  at an  annualised rate  of approximately  1.55 million (1.2 million)
Engine   Equivalents   and   the  shipment  of  33,100 (30,600)  Sampling  Cups.
Installation  revenue amounting to SEK 4.6 million (SEK 5.3 million) is a result
of  Mini-System 3000 deliveries to FAW Wuxi Diesel in China, Mid-City Foundry in
the USA and to Toa Koki in Japan.

The  January-December  2011 revenue  amounted  to  SEK  49.0 million  (SEK 39.4
million).  The revenue increase of 24% represents  the combined effect of a 26%
increase  in series  production revenue  and a  16% increase in equipment sales.
During  the period, 138,200 (102,650) Sampling Cups were shipped.  The increased
revenue related to installations is a result of the fully automated System 3000
installation  at  the  PurePOWER  foundry  in  the  USA and to Mini-System 3000
installations at Daeshin in Korea, FAW Wuxi Diesel in China, Mid-City Foundry in
the  USA and at Toa  Koki in Japan.  The  System 3000 installation at Daedong in
Korea was commissioned during January 2011, but accounted for as revenue when it
was shipped in December 2010.

The  business  activities  of  SinterCast  are  best  reflected by the Operating
Result.  In contrast, the 'Result for the  period' and the 'Result after tax per
share'  are influenced by the financial income  and costs and by the revaluation
of tax assets, as described in the section below entitled "Deferred Tax Asset".

Results Summary                                October-December January-December

                                               2011        2010 2011        2010
Operating Result                                4.1         3.9 11.6         7.2

Result for the period                           4.8         9.1 14.5        16.5

Result after tax per share (SEK)                0.7         1.3  2.1         2.5
(Amounts  in  SEK  million  if  not  otherwise

The  October-December 2011 operating result of SEK 4.1 million (SEK 3.9 million)
was  primarily affected, compared to the same  period last year, by higher gross
results  of  SEK  0.5 million,  higher  costs  of  SEK 0.5 million and increased
 exchange  gains on bank holdings, operating receivables, and liabilities of SEK
0.2 million.

The  result after tax for October-December 2011 amounted to SEK 4.8 million (SEK
9.1 million),  primarily related to  the revaluation of  the deferred tax asset,
accounted  as tax income, amounting to  SEK 0.1 million (SEK 4.9 million).  This
change is due to the market recovery following the downturn, as described in the
section below entitled "Deferred Tax Asset".

The  January-December  2011 operating  result  of  SEK  11.6 million  (SEK  7.2
million),  compared to 2010, was  primarily affected by  higher gross results of
SEK  5.6 million, higher costs of SEK  4.1 million and increased  exchange gains
on bank holdings, operating receivables, and liabilities of SEK 2.9 million. The
cost  increase is mainly within  the sales & marketing  function, as a result of
SinterCast's efforts to increase its market presence and to grow the business.

The  result after tax for the January-December 2011 period amounted to SEK 14.5
million (SEK 16.5 million), primarily related to the revaluation of the deferred
tax  asset,  accounted  as  tax  income,  amounting to SEK 3.6 million (SEK 8.1
million), as described in the section below entitled "Deferred Tax Asset".

Deferred Tax Asset
The  estimated  future  taxable  profit  and  deferred  tax asset calculation is
reassessed  every quarter. As of 31 December 2011, SEK 125.1 million (SEK 120.4
million)  of SinterCast's total carried-forward tax losses have been used as the
basis  of  the  updated  calculation,  resulting  in SEK 32.9 million (SEK 29.3
million)  being capitalised as a deferred tax  asset. The change in deferred tax
asset,  accounted as tax income, amounted  to SEK 3.6 million (SEK 8.1 million),
representing a significant change compared to 2010. The larger increase in 2010
was  mainly due  to the  market recovery  following the  downturn. The estimated
future  taxable profit from  secure production programs,  which is the basis for
the  calculation,  recovered  during  2010 from  low levels in 2008 and 2009. In
contrast,  the increase during  2011 was more moderate  since the market outlook
was more stable compared to the previous year.

Employee Stock Option Programme
As  of  31 December  2011, the  cost  of  the  employee  stock  option programme
2009-2013 was calculated at a total amount of SEK 3.3 million (SEK 3.1 million),
based  on a closing  share price of  SEK 45.0 (SEK 51.3).  During 2011, SEK 0.7
million  (SEK  1.5 million)  was  accounted  for  as costs related to the option

The  Board  of  Directors  used  the  authorisation  given  at  the  2011 AGM to
compensate  the employees in cash instead  of exercising the options for 60,000
new  shares  in  the  stock  market.   In  consideration  of  the current market
conditions  and  the  daily  turnover,  coupled  with  the  dilution effects and
administrative costs, the Board preferred to follow the AGM authorisation and to
compensate  the employees in cash for the second tranche of the 2009-2013 option
programme.   The  cash  compensation  resulted  in  a  cost  of SEK 0.3 million,
including  social contributions. The Board  transaction was formally agreed with
the employees and concluded on 25 November 2011.

Cashflow, Liquidity and Investments
SinterCast has historically been financed by risk capital provided by its
shareholders and has managed its expenses according to market forecasts,
resource requirements and regular reviews of expenditures in relation to the
annual budget. Following positive cashflow from operations during 2010 and
2011, the Board judges that the long-term financing of the Company is secure,
allowing the Company to be more pro-active in its operations and growth

Cashflow Summary                    October-December January-December

                                    2011        2010 2011        2010
Cashflow from operations             4.6         1.6 14.5         3.0

Cashflow from investment activities -0.1        -0.3 -0.4        -0.5
Cashflow from financing activities  -0.3        13.0 -6.8        13.0
Cashflow total                       4.2        14.3  7.3        15.5

Liquidity                           47.6        40.3 47.6        40.3
(Amounts in SEK million if not otherwise stated)

The  October-December  2011 cashflow  result  was  SEK  4.2 million  (SEK  14.3
million).   The higher cashflow during the  same period in 2010 is primarily due
to  the exercise of the shareholder warrants (SEK 11.3 million) and the exercise
of the first 15% of the employee options (SEK 1.7 million).

The January-December 2011 cashflow result was SEK 7.3 million (SEK 15.5 million)
increasing  the  liquidity  on  31 December  2011 to SEK 47.6 million (SEK 40.3
million). The increased liquidity includes the payment of the dividend amounting
to  SEK 3.5 million  (SEK 0.0 million)  and repayment  of the  loan to Sörmlands
Sparbank  amounting to  SEK 3.0 million  (SEK 0.0 million).  The cashflow result
excluding  the dividend and the loan repayment would have been SEK 13.8 million.
Investments during the period amounted to SEK 1.0 million (SEK 0.7 million).

Risks and Uncertainty Factors
The main uncertainty factor for SinterCast continues to be the overall timing of
the  CGI market ramp-up.   This primarily depends  on OEM decisions  for new CGI
engines  and other components, the global economy  for new vehicle sales and the
individual sales success of vehicles equipped with SinterCast-CGI components.

SinterCast  has  diversified  its  product  development  activities  in order to
minimise  the risk  associated with  any one  industrial sector.  Current series
production  is well  balanced between  V-diesel engines  for passenger vehicles,
commercial  vehicle engine  components, and  other applications  such as exhaust
components  and  industrial  power  engines.   SinterCast  continues  to support
product  development  in  these  traditional  areas  while  also exploring other
potential  applications.  SinterCast's presence in Europe, Asia and the Americas
also reduces the dependence on any one geographical sector.  Pending the results
of  field trials, the new ductile iron technology could provide the potential to
extend the market activities beyond the core CGI arena.

Market Penetration and Competition
SinterCast  enjoys global  brand recognition  and respect  as the CGI technology
leader  and is welcomed by  the industry as a  reliable and trustworthy partner.
 However,  virtually every company encounters  competition, and SinterCast is no
exception.   As the CGI market has developed, some foundry supply companies have
proposed  alternative CGI  technologies.  To  SinterCast's knowledge, these have
included  Hereaus-Electronite, OCC, OxyCast  and NovaCast.  It  is also possible
that  some  foundries  may  opt  to  produce  CGI  using  in-house  control  and
discipline,  but it  is generally  judged that  this will  become less likely as
product  complexity  and  production  volumes  increase,  and  as  specification
requirements  become more rigidly enforced  by the end-users.  SinterCast judges
that  its technology  and engineering  know-how provides  the most  reliable and
cost-effective  solution for the  production of high  quality CGI.  Based on its
proven  technology,  production  experience  and engineering service, SinterCast
will  continue to support new CGI development activities to further increase its
share of the world CGI production capacity.

SinterCast's  business development is strongly linked to the internal combustion
engine,  and particularly  to the  diesel engine.   New powertrain technologies,
such  as vehicle electrification  (hybrids and plug-in  vehicles) and fuel cells
attract significant media attention; however, the development and implementation
of  these  technologies  remain  a  long-term  prospect. Most industry forecasts
indicate a market penetration for these technologies of approximately 10% in the
2020 to  2025 timeframe,  which  is  below  the  expected global penetration for
diesel engines.  In consideration of the technology leadtime and other practical
concerns  such as increased  cost and driving  range, SinterCast does not expect
these  technologies to  have a  significant effect  on the Company's competitive
position for the foreseeable future.

Business Model
SinterCast  sells or leases the System 3000 hardware, leases the process control
software,  sells the sampling consumables, and  charges a running Production Fee
for  each  tonne  of  CGI  castings  produced  using  the SinterCast technology.
 Revenue is also derived from spare parts, engineering service, field trials and
sales  of  test  pieces.   The  total  running  fees  (sampling consumables plus
Production  Fee) depend on the ladle size and the casting yield for each foundry
and each product. For a typical cylinder block, the running fees provide revenue
of  approximately EUR 40~50 per tonne  of castings, equivalently, EUR 2.00~2.50
for  each  50 kg  Engine  Equivalent.   The  SinterCast business model is highly
scalable, allowing profitability to rise as the installed base grows and as more
products enter series production.

With  successful high volume CGI production in foundries located in Europe, Asia
and  the America's, SinterCast has built up a global organisation with employees
and  representatives in  Sweden, the  United Kingdom,  the United States, China,
Korea,  Japan, India and Australia.  During  2011, new recruitments were made to
strengthen  the  organisation  and  to  improve  the  future  growth  prospects,
including  a  new  Sales  Director  for  China,  a  new Global Sales & Marketing
Director,  a Market  Communications assistant  and a  new Metallurgical Research
engineer.  As of 31 December 2011, the Group  had 17 (13) employees, three (two)
of  which were female.   Further recruitment will be phased with the development
of  field activities, particularly the need  to increase sales activities and to
support new installations.

Parent Company
SinterCast  AB (publ) is  the Parent Company  of the SinterCast  Group, with its
registered  office located in Stockholm, Sweden.  The Parent Company has 14 (10)
employees.   The majority of the operations are conducted by the Parent Company,
including  responsibility  for  the  representative  office  in  China and sales
representatives  in Australia, India, Japan and  Korea. Operations in the UK and
the  USA are managed by the local companies. The information given for the Group
in this report corresponds in all material respects to the Parent Company.

SinterCast  currently holds 11 (12) patents.  SinterCast currently maintains 53
(59)  individual national phase  patents granted or  pending worldwide.  The 11
base  patents address  SinterCast's metallurgical  technology, the Sampling Cup,
product applications and machining.

Accounting Principles
The  information provided on behalf of the Group in this interim report has been
prepared  in accordance  with Sweden's  Annual Accounts  Act and  IAS 34 Interim
Financial  Reporting. The reporting for the  Parent Company has been prepared in
accordance with Sweden's Annual Accounts Act and RFR 2.  The accounting policies
that have been applied for the Group and for the Parent Company are in agreement
with  the accounting  policies used  in the  preparation of the Company's latest
annual report.

No  material transactions have  taken place between  SinterCast and the Board or
the Management during the period, except for the second exercise of the employee
stock option programme 2009-2013.

Events after the Balance Sheet Date
The  following  press  release  has  been  issued:  25 January  2012 - PurePOWER
Technologies  begins Compacted Graphite Iron  Production at Indianapolis Casting

There  have been no other significant events since the balance sheet date of 31
December 2011 that could materially change these financial statements.

Nomination Committee
The  Nomination Committee, elected by  the Annual General Meeting 2011, consists
of Lars Ahlström, Chairman,  Ulla-Britt Fräjdin-Hellqvist and Torbjörn Nordberg.
The Nomination Committee can be contacted

Annual General Meeting
The  Annual General Meeting 2012 of SinterCast AB  (publ) will be held on 24 May

The  Board of Directors  intends to propose  to the AGM  2012 to decide that the
results  for 2011 be carried forward, to propose a dividend for 2012, and, on an
annual  basis,  to  seek  shareholder  approval  to  authorise  a share buy-back

The  Board's intention  is to  continue to  provide an  ordinary dividend to the
shareholders, based primarily on the cashflow from operations. In the event that
the  Board considers that the liquidity exceeds the amount needed to support the
operational  requirements and strategic objectives, the  Board has the option to
propose  an extraordinary  dividend or  a share  buy-back to  further adjust the

Based  on the improved profitability and increased liquidity of the company, the
Board  of Directors propose an ordinary dividend  of SEK 1.0 (0.5) per share and
an extraordinary dividend of SEK 0.7 per share, resulting in a total dividend of
SEK  1.7 per share and a total transfer of SEK 11.9 million (SEK 3.5 million) to
the shareholders of SinterCast AB (publ). The Board proposes 18 May, 2012 as the
record date for entitlement to receive dividends.

In  deciding  the  amount  of  the  ordinary  and  extraordinary dividends to be
proposed  to the  AGM 2012, the  Board considered  cashflow from  operations and
investment  requirements together  with other  factors, such  as market outlook,
growth  strategy  and  the  internal  financial forecast.  The proposed ordinary
dividend  represents  48% of  the  2011 cashflow  from operations and 60% of the
2011 Operating  result  for  the  Group.   The  total amount of the ordinary and
extraordinary  dividends represents 82% of the 2011 cashflow from operations and
102% of the 2011 Operating result for the Group.

The Interim Report January-March 2012 will be published on 25 April 2012
The Interim Report April-June 2012 will be published on 22 August 2012
The Interim Report July-September 2012 will be published on 7 November 2012
The  Interim  Report  October-  December  and  Full  Year  Results  2012 will be
published on 20 February 2013

Annual Report 2011
The Annual Report 2011 will be published on 4 April 2012.

This report has not been reviewed by the Company's Auditors.

For further information please contact:

Dr. Steve Dawson

President & CEO

SinterCast AB (publ)

Office:  +46 8 660 7750

Mobile:  +44 771 002 6342



SinterCast is the world's leading supplier of process control technology for the
reliable  high volume production of Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI). With at least
75% higher  tensile strength, 45% higher stiffness  and approximately double the
fatigue strength of conventional grey cast iron and aluminium, CGI allows engine
designers  to improve  performance, fuel  economy and  durability while reducing
engine  weight, noise and  emissions. The SinterCast  technology is used for the
production  of more than 50 CGI components,  ranging from 2 kg to 17 tonnes, all
using  the same proven process control technology.  The end-users of SinterCast-
CGI  components include  Aston Martin,  Audi, Cameron  Compression, Caterpillar,
Chrysler,   DAF  Trucks,  Ford,  Ford-Otosan,  General  Electric  Transportation
Systems,  General Motors, Hyundai,  Jaguar, Jeep, Kia,  Lancia, Land Rover, MAN,
Navistar,  Porsche, PSA Peugeot-Citroën, Renault, Rolls-Royce Power Engineering,
Scania, Toyota, VM Motori, Volkswagen, Volvo and Waukesha Engine. The SinterCast
share  is  quoted  on  the  Small  Cap  segment of the NASDAQ OMX stock exchange
(Stockholmsbörsen: SINT). For more information:

                                     - END-

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