Disclosure notice: Skanditek has aquired 10.2 percent in Bure
Disclosure notice: Skanditek has aquired 10.2 percent in Bure Skanditek has aquired 35,000,000 shares in Bure Equity AB (publ). In addition Skanditek holds 95,000,000 options to acquire warrants in Bure. Skanditek's holding in Bure, after the transaction mentioned above, amounts to 10.3 percent of the companies share capital and number of votes. After dilution Skanditek´s holding amounts to 10.0 percent of the companies share capital and number of votes. Bure is listed on the Stockholm Exchange's A list. Stockholm, March 25, 2004 SKANDITEK INDUSTRIFÖRVALTNING AB (publ) Patrik Tigerschiöld President For further information, contact: Patrik Tigerschiöld, President, phone +46 8 614 00 20, mobile +46 70 777 71 90, e-mail patrik.tigerschiold@skanditek.se Skanditek is an industrial holding company owning stock in Swedish companies. The business concept is to be an active and long-term stockholder and to further the portfolio companies' development by providing industrial and financial competence at board and management level. The portfolio comprises 12 companies within electronics, information technology, biotechnology and services. The major holdings are in Axis (14%), LGP Allgon (6%), MYDATA automation (39%), PartnerTech (40%) and Vitrolife (30%). Skanditek is listed on the Stockholm Exchange's O list. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/03/25/20040929BIT21420/wkr0001.pdf