Comment regarding ongoing competition investigation

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Comment regarding ongoing competition investigation The Skanska Group has strict ethical policies. Moreover, the Swedish and Norwegian operations have local ethical guidelines that are communicated to employees to govern conduct of their operations. In light of the questions that have now arisen in the Competition Authorities´ ongoing investigation about whether any Skanska employees may have been involved in anti-competitive activities in the asphalt sector in Sweden and Norway, Skanska has retained highly respected independent law firms to investigate these allegations. The findings of these investigations will be reported to the Skanska Board. With regard to the investigation in Sweden, neither Skanska nor the law firm have to date found anything to confirm the Competition Authority's suspicions regarding anti-competitive activities. In Norway, the corresponding investigation is not yet completed. In addition, Skanska´s Board Chairman Bo Rydin has requested former Justice of the Supreme Court Hans-Gunnar Solerud to review the findings of the Swedish investigation for thoroughness and accuracy. Once the law firm´s investigations and former Justice Solerud´s review are completed, Skanska will disclose the facts uncovered. Skanska repudiates all anti-competitive activities and will respond forcefully should the investigations reveal such activities within any part of the Group. For further information please contact: Claes Björk, President and CEO, Skanska AB. Tel: + 46 8 753 88 00 This and previous releases can also be found at ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download:
