Skanska to construct combined heat- and power plant in Lund, Sweden

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Skanska has received a contract to construct a bio-fueled combined heat- and power plant in Lund, Sweden. The assignment includes ground work as well as construction of the plant. Customer is Lunds Energikoncernen AB. The contract amounts to SEK 310 M, which will be included in the order bookings of the first quarter 2012.

"We are very happy to have been given the trust to construct the new combined heat- and power plant in Lund. This is an exciting project where our competence in laying the foundation as well as constructing the facility will come in use. The project also has a strong focus on sustainability, since the power plant will be fired with bio-fuels such as wood chip and straw", says Hans Fransson, district manager, Skanska Sweden.

To facilitate the deliveries of fuel the power plant will be built in connection to the railway. When the power plant is completed it will supply about 50 000 households in the area with district heating. The time of construction is estimated to about two years and construction starts in March 2012.

"Skanska’s knowledge in green building has been very important to us. The facility will be a lynchpin in the ambitions of Lunds Energikoncernen to further profile the region by offering environmentally compatible power and district heating. The cooperation with Skanska make us convinced we will have a construction that matches our ambitions", says Sylvia Michel, CEO and President of Lunds Energikoncernen.

Skanska Sweden is one of Sweden’s largest construction companies with operations involving building and civil engineering. The business unit has about 10,000 employees, and revenues amounted to about SEK 27 billion in 2011. In Sweden, Skanska is also active in developing residential and commercial premises.

For further information, please contact:

Hans Fransson, District Manager, Skanska Sverige AB, tel: +46 (0)10–448 30 59

Sylvia Michel, CEO, Lunds Energikoncernen AB, tel: +46 (0)70-266 5850

Edvard Lind, Group Press Officer, Skanska AB, tel: +46 (0)10-448 88 08

Direct line for media: tel: +46 (0)10-448 88 99.

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Throughout 125 years, Skanska has been a modern and innovative developer and contractor, building what society needs. Today, Skanska is one of the world’s leading project development and construction groups with expertise in construction, development of commercial and residential projects and public-private partnerships. Based on its global green experience, Skanska aims to be the clients' first choice for Green solutions. The Group currently has 53,000 employees in selected home markets in Europe, in the US and Latin America. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden and listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, Skanska's sales in 2011 totaled SEK 123 billion.


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