Year-end Report, January-December 2006

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January-December 2006 compared to January-December 2005

- Revenue amounted to SEK 125.6 billion (124.7). In Construction, revenue rose by 4 percent adjusted for currency rate effects.
- Operating income for the Group amounted to SEK 4,762 M (5,000). The Swedish, Norwegian, Polish, U.K., and Latin American operations surpassed their targeted margins for the year and both U.S. units continued to improve their margins with strong performance in the fourth quarter.
- In Residential Development, the operating margin increased in all the Nordic markets. For the business stream as a whole, the margin amounted to 12.6 (10.6) percent.
- During the year, commercial properties with a value of SEK 3,084 M (4,430) were divested, with gains amounting to SEK 1,300 M (1,626). The divestments were made at prices that averaged 25 percent above the market values assigned at year-end 2005.
- Income after financial items amounted to SEK 4,985 M (5,120).
- Profit for the year totaled SEK 3,655 M (3,890) and earnings per share amounted to SEK 8.68 (9.27).
- The Group is now in a net investment phase and full-year net investments totaled -1,146 M (3,644).
- Order bookings rose by 16 percent and amounted to SEK 134.1 billion (115.8). Adjusted for currency rate effects, order bookings were unchanged.
- Order backlog totaled SEK 135.1 billion (127.9), equivalent to 14 (13) months of construction.
- The appraisals made at year-end indicated Group surplus values of SEK 2.0 billion in Commercial Development and SEK 3.7 billion in Infrastructure Development.
- The Board of Directors proposes a regular dividend of SEK 4.75 (4.50) per share and an extra dividend of SEK 3.50 (2.00) for the 2006 financial year.


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