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  • Henrik Lange appointed Senior Vice President, SKF Group Business Development

Henrik Lange appointed Senior Vice President, SKF Group Business Development

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Henrik Lange appointed Senior Vice President, SKF Group Business Development Mr Henrik Lange has been appointed Senior Vice President, SKF Group Business Development. He will take up his position on May 5, 2003. He will also from the same date be a member of the SKF Group Management. Henrik Lange has previously worked for SKF in a number of different managerial positions. He has until recently been Managing Director of Johnson Pump. Henrik Lange is 41 years old, has an MBA in International Economics and Business Administration from Handelshögskolan in Göteborg. He will have the responsibility for corporate business development, business intelligence, eBusiness and IT strategy and internet/intranet management. Henrik Lange is married and has two children. Göteborg, April 16, 2003 Aktiebolaget SKF (publ.) For further information, please contact: Lars G Malmer, SKF Group Communication, tel. +46 (0)31 337 1541, e-mail: Lars.G.Malmer@skf.com Aktiebolaget SKF, SE-415 50 Göteborg, Sweden, tel. +46 (0)31 337 1000, fax +46 (0)31 337 2832, www.skf.com ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/04/16/20030416BIT00570/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2003/04/16/20030416BIT00570/wkr0002.pdf
