Norwegian forest air in China

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«Skogluft» («Forest Air») was recently published in China and has already been sold to over 100 countries worldwide. The book is translated into 11 languages, including Finnish, French and Portugese.

“It’s amazing to watch our message being embraced by the whole world. Our need to reconnect with nature is great and universal», declares founder Jørn Viumdal.

«Skogluft» is based on 20 years of scientific research at NASA and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences NMBU. Increased well-being, reduced stress and a healthier indoor environment are just some of the documented health benefits of bringing nature into our homes and workplaces. 

“We are healthier and happier when surrounded by plants and nature, yet studies show that we spend around 90% of our time indoors», says the author, one of the world’s most renowned experts on natural indoor environments.

Viumdal's Norwegian company Skogluft develops living walls, making it easy for everyone to succeed in creating a lush green atmosphere and reconnect with nature. 

Metropolitan living increases our need to live mindfully

The book, which provides an accessible as well as fascinating insight into the research and the concept of “Skogluft”, has been well received in China, a country defined by contrasts: An extremely high-tech, urban way of life fuelling an increasing focus on mindfulness. 

The Skogluft founder is himself no stranger to the approach and has meditated for more than 20 years. “He discovered that meditation not only helps him to regain energy but also makes him happier. Nature provides the same cure,” the Chinese magazine Tide explains in an in-depth interview with Viumdal.  

“With «Forest Air» and our scientifically proven concept I wanted to show everyone how they can create a similar environment themselves. The time is ripe for our green message,» Jørn Viumdal concludes.



Please contact us for more information:  

Founder Jørn Viumdal, tel: +47 908 26 307 / email:

Communcations officer Anja Stang, tel: +47 482 24 280 / email:

Skogluft is based on 20 years of experience and groundbreaking research at NASA and the Norwegian University of Environmental and Life Sciences. We provide closeness to nature indoors in a way that engages and helps users to succeed. Skogluft AS develops comprehensive lifestyle products that unite biology, design, technology and green living. The book "Skogluft" ("Forest Air") has been sold to 100 countries and translated into 21 languages. 





It’s amazing to watch our message being embraced by the whole world. Our need to reconnect with nature is great and universal.
Jørn Viumdal