Notification threshold

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This press release is an English version of the previously published Swedish version, which has interpretive precedence.

Following the recently completed subscription period for TO 4 series warrants in Smoltek Nanotech Holding AB, Gramtec Business Partner has exceeded the notification threshold of 20%. Following the exercise of warrants, Gramtec Business Partner owns 19.3% of the shares in the company.

Gramtec Business Partner Aktiebolag, with principal owner Finn Gramnaes, has, from the issue of new shares following the exercise of warrants of series TO 4 in Smoltek Nanotech Holding AB and the subsequent registration with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, gone from 21.4% ownership to 19.3% of the company's shares and votes.

Gramtec subscribed for 53,240 warrants of series TO 4 and after the period of use now owns a total of 1,790,072 shares in Smoltek Nanotech Holding AB, which gives an ownership of 19.3% of shares and votes. Gramtec Business Partner has not sold any shares, the decrease is due to dilution after the total exercise of warrants of series TO 4.

For further information: 
Håkan Persson, CEO of Smoltek Nanotech Holding AB,
+46 760 52 00 53

Smoltek develops process technology and concepts for applications based on carbon nanotechnology to solve advanced materials engineering problems in several industrial sectors. The company protects its unique technology through an extensive and expanding patent portfolio consisting of around 100 applied for patents, of which today 70 have been granted. Smoltek's share is listed on the Spotlight Stock Market in Stockholm, Sweden under the ticker SMOL. Smoltek is a development company, and forward-looking statements regarding time to market, production volume and price levels should be interpreted as forecasts and not commitments.
