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Exposure to Asbestos Can Cause Mesothelioma, A Rare and Deadly Cancer

July 29, 2010, Wellesley, MA – Every year, thousands of people are diagnosed with mesothelioma, a rare and deadly cancer caused by exposure to asbestos.   Most people who suffer from mesothelioma have been exposed on a regular basis to asbestos, usually as a result of their occupation and work history.  These individuals may have handled asbestos directly or were in an environment with a high concentration of asbestos fibers in the air.

Asbestos, a fiber-like mineral, has been used since the late 1800’s often as a form of insulation.  Amphibole asbestos has a greater likelihood of causing mesothelioma because its fibers are more likely to break off into the air which is then breathed in by humans; amphibole also tends to stay in the lungs longer than the other form of asbestos, chrysotile, which can contribute to the formation of lung cancer, asbestosis, or mesothelioma.  

“The best defense to any cancer is making sure you’re armed with the facts.   This particular cancer is insidious because its latency period can run anywhere from 25-40 years,” says Kathy McGinn, Senior Legal Nurse at Sokolove Law, one of the nation’s largest marketers of legal services.  “While the symptoms vary from person to person depending upon how long they were exposed to asbestos, they could include symptoms as seemingly innocuous as wheezing, fatigue, unexplained weight loss or shortness of breath.” 

In some cases, those individuals who were exposed to high concentrations of asbestos and for a long period of time may experience the production of sputum, which is mucus that is coughed up from the lungs.  If an individual exhibits any of these symptoms and sees a doctor, he/she can expect a physical examination, chest x-ray or other tests.  Using one’s medical history, symptoms and test results, a doctor will be able to identify early signs of asbestos-related disease. 

For more information on asbestos, visit, a resource site that is continually expanding to better provide information to those currently living with or caring for a victim of mesothelioma. 



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Teleia Farrell
Sokolove Law
# 781-489-7867
