App Companies Sued Over Data Breach

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A class action consumer fraud lawsuit was filed against the makers of nearly 20 mobile apps claiming they often steal information from address books such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, birthdays and job titles from millions of people without their consent.

According to American Statesman, thirteen people filed the class action lawsuit in Texas against companies such as Foursquare, Facebook, Twitter and Yelp. They claim that the companies violated privacy policies by accessing information from address books of their members.

The makers of the popular mobile apps Cut the Rope and Angry Birds are also accused of obtaining personal data from users.

The consumer fraud lawsuit alleges disclosure or use of wire or electronic communication, invasion of privacy, intentional interception, negligence, breach of computer security, racketeering, unjust enrichment and other claims.

If your privacy rights have been violated, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact Sokolove Law to find out if a consumer fraud lawyer may be able to help you and represent your case.


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