Boehringer Sued Over Pradaxa Blood Thinner

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Boehringer Ingelheim is the subject of a Pradaxa lawsuit that was recently filed by a Louisiana couple who claim the drug maker withheld information about the blood thinner medication that could cause irreversible and life threatening bleeding events.

According to the dangerous drug lawsuit, Garland Lege was given a prescription for Pradaxa to help control a heart condition. In October 2011, he suffered gastrointestinal bleeding and was hospitalized for two weeks. As a result of the bleeding incident, he had to undergo a number of medical procedures including surgery to remove part of his colon.

Garland and his wife Patricia allege that Beohringer did not properly warn the medical community and consumers of the uncontrollable bleeding risks that were linked to Pradaxa use. They also claim that the pharma company did not properly advise doctors on how to stabilize a patient should a bleeding episode occur. Garland claims that he would not have used Pradaxa if he had known about the risks associated with using the drug.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by Pradaxa or another dangerous drug, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation.

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