EPA Will Retest Wyoming Water Contaminated by Fracking

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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is retesting water supplies in a Wyoming town after a federal report found that fracking contaminated an aquifier.

According to Reuters, the EPA investigated an aquifier in Pavillion, Wyoming because residents complained for years that the water smelled and tasted abnormal. The probe found that fracking in the town caused chemicals such as benzene, glycols and alcohols to contaminate the water supply.

After the EPA’s results from an earlier investigation were announced, the oil and gas industry criticized them and demanded more information. This has led the agency to conduct additional testing of the water in an attempt to “clarify questions about the initial monitoring results.”

Wyoming Gov. Mead recently signed a law that would direct $750,000 to developing a longer-term solution providing safe water to local residents.

In a similar story about the town of Dimock, Pennsylvania, the EPA agreed to supply drinking water to the town after fracking released chemicals that contaminated existing water supplies.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by contaminated water, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation.

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