Mesothelioma-Causing Asbestos to be Removed from Illinois Schools

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Granite City, Illinois schools will soon pose less of a mesothelioma risk for students and teachers alike, as asbestos removal projects have been approved to take place over the next two summers.

Granite City’s school board recently approved the asbestos removal contracts, which will cost nearly $900,000. The funding will pay for the removal of asbestos floor tiles containing at the six elementary and middle schools in the district according to St. Louis Today.

Nearly 200,000 square feet of asbestos tile will ultimately be replaced. Money for the abatement will come from $6 million in building improvement bonds that the board approved last spring.

If you or a loved one were exposed to asbestos and now have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, call Sokolove Law today to learn more about pursuing a mesothelioma lawsuit.

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