More Studies Link Propecia to Sexual Dysfunction in Men

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A new study adds to the mounting evidence that the hair loss drugPropecia causes sexual dysfunction in men.

According to the Baltimore Courts Examiner, researchers from the George Washington University School of Medicine gave Propecia to male rats for four weeks and found that they had a 25 percent reduction in their penis size.

“This is consistent with what many men have told me that they have had shrinkage in their penis after taking Propecia,” said Dr. Michael Irwig, assistant professor of Medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine.

The study, which is published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, also notes that because the process being studied involved “complex” and “important signaling in the brain,” that further studies would be necessary to “demonstrate the long-term effects of finasteride on both central and peripheral neural pathways of erection.”

This is not the only analysis into potential problems regarding Propecia use. The Food and Drug Administration also recently widened its investigation of Propecia’s safety.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by Propecia or anotherdangerous drug, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation.

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