Personal Injury Lawsuit Leads to $7 million Award

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A Florida man won $7 million in a personal injury lawsuit that claimed a trucking company was responsible for the debilitating injuries he suffered in a 2010 car accident.

According to the Sun Sentinel, Fabio Noguera was traveling south in Interstate 95 in February 2010 when a tractor trailer came into contact with his Ford Escort. He claims that truck driver moved into his lane, causing the crash.

Noguera suffered back and neck injuries, which were worsened by his severe rheumatoid arthritis. He underwent lower back surgery and will need further procedures in the future.

The personal injury lawsuit was filed against the truck driver, Julio Lasso Ceron and the trucking company Panther Logistics.

The jury’s verdict will compensate Noguera for medical expenses and pain and suffering.

If you or a loved one were harmed in a car accident, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if a personal injury lawyer may be able to help you.

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