SC Residents Sue Water System Over Contamination

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Intestinal problems. Skin lesions. A staph infection that led to a leg amputation.

These woes are cited in a $7 million lawsuit filed by a group of South Carolina residents who claim that tainted water from their regional water system caused them to suffer severe health problems, according to theAnderson Independent Mail.

The lawsuit was filed by seven residents of Anderson, SC. The suit alleges the water was tainted due to the failure of the Anderson Joint Regional Water System and the Broadway Water District to maintain storage tanks and other equipment. An attorney for the group said that 2010 tests found bacteria such as E.coli, in the water.

An executive from the regional water system said it is confident the water is safe and that it would review the complaint.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by contaminated water, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation.

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