Soldiers’ Long Term Disability Benefits Unfairly in Question

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Psychiatric screeners who overturned previous post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) diagnoses may have been influenced by a desire to wrongfully deny soldiers’ long term disability benefits, according to a new report.

According to the Seattle Times, an investigation by the Army Medical Command uncovered that 285 patients at the Madigan Army Medical Center between 2007 and 2011 had their PTSD diagnoses overturned when undergoing the screening process for medical retirement.

Fourteen of the soldiers eventually underwent new screening reviews at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Of them, six had their PTSD diagnoses reinstated. That, combined with other complaints from soldiers who were accused of exaggerating symptoms and had their PTSD diagnoses reversed by Madigan screeners spurred the army investigation.

Soldiers who are diagnosed with PTSD can qualify for retirement benefits and a pension. Having the diagnosis reversed can put a soldier’s ability to get these benefits that they rightly deserve in jeopardy.

If you feel that you are unfairly being denied insurance because your illness or condition is being improperly classified by a doctor or insurer, there may be legal options at your disposal. Contact Sokolove Law today to learn more about pursuing a bad faith insurance lawsuit.

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