Asbestos Debris Found Behind Massachusetts School

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Asbestos debris that was illegally left in a dumpster behind a Massachusetts elementary school has raised concerns about the possible mesothelioma risk that any loose fibers may cause students. recently reported that Danvers, MA officials were recently alerted about two different occasions in which asbestos tiling, wall products, and pipes were illegally dumped behind Thorpe Elementary School. Police have determined that the asbestos debris likely came from renovations to a kitchen or bathroom, and that contractors probably chose to dump the products without properly testing them for asbestos, as the law dictates they must.

Danvers Public Health Director Peter Mirandi said that police were searching for the contractors, and that the debris – and dumpster - had been removed from the area.

“Workers and family who live near it is a concern of mine,” Mirandi said. “Sometime over the weekend the custodian at the school discovered the contaminated debris outside the school. Then it happened again on Monday night.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma followingasbestos exposure, call Sokolove Law today to learn more about pursuing an asbestos claim.

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