Asbestos Found in Dumpster Behind Massachusetts School

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The discovery of debris contaminated by asbestos in a dumpster behind a Massachusetts elementary school has raised concerns about the mesothelioma risk it may have posed to workers, students, and families who were close to it.

According to, officials in Danvers, MA were recently alerted on two separate occasions that asbestos debris had been illegally left in a dumpster behind Thorpe Elementary School. Danvers Public Health Director Peter Mirandi said that a similar event had occurred almost one year ago, and that police were searching for the culprit as the town took the proper steps to ensure the safety of its residents.

“Workers and family who live near it is a concern of mine,” Mirandi said. “Sometime over the weekend the custodian at the school discovered the contaminated debris outside the school. Then it happened again on Monday night.

“It shouldn’t be at a school grounds at all. But it shouldn’t be done period,” he added.

Police have determined that the asbestos debris left in the dumpster were tiling, wall products, and pipes that likely came from renovations to a kitchen or bathroom. Instead of stopping the renovations process to properly test the product, the contractors likely decided to just dump the products, which is illegal.

The debris has since been properly disposed of by the town, and the dumpster has been replaced with a new one in order to minimize the risk of asbestos exposure.

If you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos and now is suffering from mesothelioma, call Sokolove Law today to learn more about pursuing an asbestos claim.


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