Birth Control Linked to Bowel Disease

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A new study suggests that women using oral birth control pills - such as Yaz, Yasmin and Ocella - or hormone therapy may lead to an increased risk of inflammatory bowel disease.

Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital examined information of nearly 233,000 women enrolled in the large U.S. Nurses Health Studies I and II from 1976 through 2008. They found that birth control pills are linked to a higher risk of Crohn’s disease and women taking hormone replacement after menopause had an increased chance of developing ulcerative colitis, according to HealthDay Reporter.

They also found that women taking birth control pills for longer than five years are three times more likely to develop Crohn’s disease than women who do not use oral contraceptives.

Although the study showed a link between birth control pills and Crohn’s disease, researchers note that they did not find a cause-and-effect relationship.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by a dangerous birth control, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if a dangerous drug lawyer may be able to help you. Call us today at 800-581-6358


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Birth Control Linked to Bowel Disease
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