Blood Thinner Medication Led To Hemorrhaging Death

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Internal hemorrhaging that was caused in part by the improper use of blood thinner medications and led to the death of a man is the basis of one medical malpractice claim levied against an Ohio VA hospital.

Sixty-eight-year-old Clarice Pennington was administered to the Dayton VA Medical Center in December, 2007 for a liver biopsy. However, doctors at the hospital gave Pennington too much blood thinning medication before and after the procedure. He developed an internal hemorrhage that ended up killing him.

To make matters worse, it was later learned that nurses at the hospital had not properly obeyed orders and did not check Pennington’s vital signs in the hours before his death

"If they would have checked on him like they should have ... they would have known these things were happening," Virginia Pennington, Clarice’s wife, said, according to the Dayton Daily News.

The lawsuit levied by the Penningtons against the hospital was one of eight malpractice claims that were recently settled. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs paid out a total of $940,000 to the eight victims.

Pradaxa was introduced to the U.S. market as a safer and cheaper anticoagulant (blood thinning) medication than warafin, which had been the industry standard in hospitals for decades. However, the new blood thinner has instead been linked to a number of uncontrollable bleeding events, some of which result in death.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by a dangerous blood thinning drug such as Pradaxa, call Sokolove Law today for a free legal consultation on a dangerous drug lawsuit.


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