Coca-Cola Sued Over Simply Orange Juice

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A consumer slapped Coca-Cola with a consumer fraud lawsuit claiming the soft drink company’s Simply Orange Juice is anything but simple.

Randall Davis filed the consumer fraud lawsuit in Illinois federal court claiming he bought the orange juice-whose label says “100% Pure Squeezed Orange Juice”- at stores “for personal, family, or household purposes.” He contends that this claim on the packaging is false because the company allegedly adds chemically engineered “flavor packs” to the juice to give it the flavor of natural orange juice. He further alleges that consumers are willing to pay a premium price for Simply Orange because of their false belief in the freshness of the product.

The consumer fraud lawsuit states "Coca-Cola misrepresented that Simply Orange was 100% pure and natural orange juice when in fact it was not.”

If you or a loved one has been wronged by consumer fraud, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation.


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