Counterfeit Avastin Found to Contain Solvents

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Counterfeit vials of the cancer drug Avastin have been found to also contain various solvents that may be dangerous for human consumption.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Genentech reported that salt, plastics, starch and chemicals used in animal feed, and cleaners were found to be contained in the drug vials. The vials also did not contain any ingredients that the real version of the Avastin contains.

Compounds that were found in the fake version of the drug were Phthalate, which is used to soften plastics and the solvents Di-Fluorinated Benzene Ring, Acetone, t-Butanol, and Isopropanol.

Avastin is used to treat patients with colon, lung and other cancers. Genetech began informing the medical world of the counterfeit versionand an international investigation was prompted.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by a dangerous drug, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to learn about your options.

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