Dangerous Drug Lawsuit Filed Against Driven Sports

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A California man initiated a class action dangerous drug lawsuit against Driven Sports that claims the diet supplement maker attempts to dupe its customers by selling a mislabeled amphetamine.

Aaron Karmann alleges the Craze diet supplements contain amphetamine, which is a dangerous drug ingredient regulated as a dangerous stimulant and controlled substance in California.

He says Driven Sports “claims that the product is a 'dietary supplement,' which is legal, safe, and efficacious. In reality, the product is intentionally tainted with amphetamine, the illegal and dangerous controlled substance that is not declared as an ingredient on the product's label."

Karmann claims that he would not have purchased the supplement if he knew that the company made false claims about it, according to Courthouse News.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by a dangerous drug, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if a dangerous drug lawyer may be able to help you.


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