Donor Agencies May Violate Ethical Standards

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Egg donor agencies who hire donors online to cater to the increasing number of couples seeking in-vitro fertilization (IVF) could potentially be violating laws and ethical standards laid down by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM).

As reported by Reuters Health, a US study published in the Journal of Fertility & Sterility found that many egg donor agencies overlook details that are designed to ensure the safety of the egg donor. The study involved 102 egg donor agency websites that were visited by Robert Klitzman, a professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University who led the study, and his colleagues.

They found that 34 percent of the websites offered higher payments for women with certain characteristics who were looking to donate. Additionally, 40 percent of the websites recruited 18-20-year-olds.

ASRM regulations state that donors should be at least 21-years-old. Potential egg donors between the ages of 18 and 20 years must undergo a psychiatric evaluation so they are properly informed of the risks and stresses that come with donating an egg. All donors are to be properly informed of the risks that come with taking high doses of hormones and being stuck with a needle in their ovaries.

Also, the donors are paid for their time and effort and not for the eggs. Therefore, donors should not be paid high for possessing certain qualities.

Examples of medical malpractice such as theoverlooking of ethical standards can be avoided if egg donors and patients seeking IVF are made aware of the ASRM recommendations. If you or a loved one has been harmed by a medical malpractice, contact Sokolove Law today for a free legal consultation and to find out if a medical malpractice lawyer may be able to help you. For legal help, call (800) 581-6358.
