Elderly Man Files Pradaxa Lawsuit

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A Pradaxa lawsuit has been filed in Connecticut, the home state of the anticoagulant drug’s manufacturer, by an elderly man who claims the drug led to him suffering severe blood loss.

Eighty-six-year-old Frank Sardinha, a retired educator and World War II veteran, claims that he was prescribed Pradaxa in January, 2011. Within weeks of starting his treatment he was rushed to the emergency room after suffering gastrointestinal bleeding that led to “severe blood loss.”

He was treated in the hospital for eight days because of the blood loss, which he attributed to his use of the blood thinning medication. In his dangerous drug lawsuit filed against Boehringer Ingelheim Corp., which is based in Ridgefield, CT, he claims that the company negligently designed the medication and did not provide adequate safety warnings.

“Because there is no antidote to reverse the anticoagulation effects of Pradaxa, the Plaintiff suffered uncontrollable and prolonged bleeding and other injuries as a result of taking Pradaxa,” said Sardinha’s lawsuit, according to the Connecticut Law Tribune.

He is seeking compensatory and punitive damages for his medical issues.

If you or a loved one have taken Pradaxa and suffered an adverse bleeding event, call Sokolove Law today to learn more about potentially pursuing a dangerous drug lawsuit against the anticoagulant’s manufacturer. Call us today at 800-581-6358.


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Elderly Man Files Pradaxa Lawsuit
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