FDA Issues Warning to AeroShot Makers

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The FDA has issued a warning to Breathable Foods Inc., the makers of AeroShot, claiming that misleading statements in its labeling may make it an unsafe product.

According to the FDA, the AeroShot labeling is misleading because it claims that the product can be both inhaled and ingested, statements the agency says contradict each other. The agency is also concerned because the term “breathable energy”, which is also used on the product’s packaging, may confuse consumers about how to use it and encourage users to try and inhale it into their lungs.

The FDA notes that caffeine is not meant to be inhaled into the lungs and “the safety of doing so has not been well studied.” Breathable Foods Inc. claims that decades of research have found that AeroShot’s particles are too large to enter the lungs, but the agency claims that the company does not provide any evidence to support the claim.

The FDA also says the company’s website seems to target consumers under 12-years-old when the product is intended for an older age group. The last concern of the agency was that the company does not include contact information on the AeroShot for consumers to report any adverse side effects, which is required by law.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by an unsafe product, contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if a product liability lawyer may be able to represent your case.


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