FDA Works to Reduce Hospital “Alarm Fatigue”

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The Food and Drug Administration is working to reduce the problem of “alarm fatigue” in hospitals by strengthening its pre-market review of medical devices that sound alarms and add to the desensitization of hospital staff.

The FDA is providing additional training on alarm safety and standards to its reviewers, who are responsible for reviewing 4,000 applications a year from medical device makers looking for approval to sell their products, including oxygen and heart monitors, according to the Boston Globe.

The national organization that accredits hospitals also took steps to remedy the problem. It plans to survey nursing home and hospitals throughout the U.S. to develop guidelines to reduce the number of alarms sounding in hospitals.

Last year, the Globe reported that caregivers experiencing “alarm fatigue” led to at least 119 deaths due to ventilator alarm issues.

If you or a loved one has been harmed by the medical negligence of a caregiver that may have been caused by “alarm fatigue,” you may be entitled to compensation. Contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to learn about your options.


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