Girl With Cerebral Palsy Has Transportation Funding Taken Away

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A four-year-old girl born in the UK who was born with cerebral palsy and requires a 100-mile-per-day trip to get to the specialist school she requires will not have her transportation funded by the county she lives in.

According to the Watford Observer, the Hertfordshire County Council recently ruled that it would no longer pay for Madelene Mae Cowan’s transportation to the PACE centre in Aylesbury, which she has attended for the last year and a half.

Instead, the council suggested that she attend a school that is closer to the family's home. Cowan’s father said that the school being suggested by the council was inadequate and not appropriate for his daughter’s needs.

He and his wife will now be responsible for the round trip to and from PACE every day – which takes four hours and costs the family approximately $26 – despite the fact that they both work and have a second child on the way.

"After four days in court, it just came down to costs, not what [Madelene] needs, and that's how we were left,” Cowan’s father said. "We can appeal again but that's more money. I had to pay for barristers to represent us in the appeal, the money I have outlayed on this I will never see again."

While this situation occurred in the UK, it is an example of just one issue that families with a cerebral palsy child must face on a daily basis. Furthermore, special accommodations that must be made for a child with special needs will not always be covered by an insurance company or a school district.

If your child was born with cerebral palsy that can be attributed to medical error, contact Sokolove Law today to learn more about pursuing a birth injury lawsuit that could lead to a monetary settlement that can be reserved for medical and transportation costs for your child.


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