Global Payments Sued Over Data Breach

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A colossal data breach at Global Payments Inc. led to the filing of a class action lawsuit in Georgia by a woman claiming she suffered both financially and emotionally.

Natalie Willingham initiated the class action consumer fraud lawsuit alleging Global Payments did not properly protect the its computers, which led to hackers stealing financial and personal data of its customers, according to Law360 (subscription required).

The complaint states: “Defendant's failure to maintain reasonable and adequate procedures to protect and secure plaintiff's and class members' personal information, and defendant's failure to provide plaintiff and class members with timely information regarding the unauthorized access to their information, has resulted in plaintiff and class members being placed at grave risk of identity theft and other possible fraud and abuse."

Willingham claims that she received $900 in falsified charges on her Visa credit card as a result of the data breach. She further contends that the incident caused her to suffer identity theft and credit card monitoring expenses, anxiety, loss of monetary value in her personal data and emotional suffering.

If you think you have suffered a data breach, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact Sokolove Law for a free legal consultation and to find out if a consumer fraud lawyer may be able to help you.
